Part twenty three

365 9 17

You continued walking towards the elite four tower and eventually you reached it.

You opened the front door and waved hello to Rika who was sitting at her desk, reading something on her laptop.

Rika smiled and waved back before looking towards arven. 

'Y/n, who's this? Your boyfriend or something?' She asked, smirking slightly at you.

'Oh uhm.. this is my friend arven' you responded holding his hand. 'We're just friends' you added.

She nodded slowly but she was still smirking. 'Sureeeee... if you're going to your room, just be aware I can here everything!' She said, winking.

You facepalmed your hand in embarrassment and arven looked away awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

'Haha I'm just messing with ya. See you later kiddos!' she added before pressing a button under her desk that opened the door to a secret passageway which had a corridor of rooms in it.

You took arven's hand and lead him through the corridor and into a room.

'so this is my room.' You said proudly as you stepped inside it.

'Oh woah it looks so cool!!!' Arven exclaimed.

You looked towards him and you could see literal highlights in his eyes. Why was he so excited about this?

                    .                 .                  .

(Sorry about this teeny tiny chapter. I've just had a rough day and didn't feel like posting much. I'm sorry)

Arven x Reader - protect you forever ❤️‍🩹Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu