Part two

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It had been a while since you had been at school.

You were geeta's assistant now and had to take on quite a lot of her champion battles, meaning you had no time for classes.

You hadn't really seen your friends either. You had seen nemona a couple of times in town but never really had time to stop and talk. You were both Too busy training or battling.

You missed your friends dearly and wondered what they were doing now....  School? Work? Travelling? Or maybe even battling like you were.

maybe you would check up on them in a few weeks or so. Yea that would be nice. But for now you had to heal your Pokémon up and maybe take a shower from how sweaty you had gotten due to the battle that had just taken place.

You went into your locker room and took a cold shower. It felt so releasing. You almost felt all of your worries melt away.  Even though you didn't really want to admit it. There was one friend in particular that you missed the most in the world.


You missed how happy he made you when the two of you spent time together. You wondered how he must be feeling after finding out his mother/father had died. It seemed like you were the only one who cared. You felt so bad for him and just wanted to cuddle him and hold him in your arms and tell him everything would be okay.

You sighed. Missing everyone. And stepped out of the shower, dried yourself off and changed into your school uniform.


You jumped back in surprise.

'What the hell was that?!' You yelled. Before realising it was your rotom phone. It swung out in-front of you as it continued to make that horrendous buzzing sound. 

You looked at the screen. It seemed a very familiar person was calling you. It was nemona! You shot up in surprise and delight and clicked the answer button.

'Y/N HI!' nemona's loud and cheerful voice, screamed through your phone's speaker.

'Oh hey nemona! How are you?' You asked, smiling warmly at your friend.

'Yea! I'm great! I was just wondering. Would you be up to meeting with me, penny and arven tomorrow? For lunch or something?' She asked with a pleading look on her face.

'Oh... uh yea.. sure!' You responded.

'Great! See you there!' She responded before hanging up.

You put your phone away, smiling happily to yourself before realising she hadn't given you a time or place. how typical of her lol

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