The waiter then brought our plates,I was getting excited as well as Maddy.Her and I kept doing our mini dance while looking at each other with a smile,The waiter gave me my plate last.

He give me a wink,that wink didn't go well at all. "Hey do you mind if I can get your number or I give you mine?" He whispered to me,I looked at the guys who glared at the waiter.Miguel squinted his eyes at him

The waiter then looked at my necklace,his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he chuckled. "Is your name Miguel? Never met a girl with that name," he said

"No my name is y/n,Miguel is over there" I said pointing at him making the waiter look at Miguel who had a sarcastic fake smile and reached his hand out.

"Hey I'm Miguel,y/n's boyfriend" he said,the waiter scoffed out of embarrassment. "Don't be rude,shake my hand" he said sternly as I smirked.

"Yeah shake Miguel's hand" Mason said while taking a bite out of his food.The waiter awkwardly shook Miguel's hand as I saw Miguel tighten his grip making the waiter scrunch his face a bit,

They let each other go before the waiter walked away as Miguel glared at him. "Oh my god that was so cool!" Maddy said,

"This steak is really good though" I said with a mouth full,the boys laughed.


We walked out to the parking lot, "the mall!" Tristian  shouted while running to the car.Maddy followed behind him,Mason was ahead of them walking normally to the car.

Miguel caught up next to me, "I think you're not supposed to be near me sir" I said

"They're not looking" he said as he walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist putting his head in my neck,I giggled while laying my hand on his face. "I like your outfit" he whispered in my ear

"I know you do" I responded in a whisper,he send multiple kisses on my neck tickling me as I laughed.Mason who's about to open the passenger door noticed us,

"Aye aye! Step away from her" Mason shouted,Miguel quickly let go of me and moved away from me with his hands up in defense.

We drove to the mall and went inside,Maddy and I were holding hands while swinging our arms back and forth like little kids as the boys were around us like bodyguards,

Maddy gasped while pointing to a store with clothes our style,I gasped as well causing the boys to look at us confused.Maddy and I still hand in hand sprinting to the store,

"Oh my god" I said

"Are we in heaven?" Maddy added,I giggled at her comment

"Maddy look!" I said rushing to a top that she will look good in,

"You think so?" She asked

"I know so mija" I said before throwing it at her,We basically found so much cute stuff.We both bought it together and made the boys carry the bags,

"Since when did we become assistants?" Mason asked

"Since we told you to" I responded,miguel was holding my stuff as Mason held Maddy's.Tristan was in the clear for now.

We searched around and figured we didn't want anything else so we decided to head out,The boys found stuff that they liked and bought it as well.

Miguel and Mason put the stuff in the trunk, "okay movies?" Mason asked

"Movies!" We all said,we all hopped in the car and started making our way there.

"Can we watch a scary movie?" I asked making Tristan and Mason groaned.

•My best friend• (Miguel cazarez mora book)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu