25 | Backstabbing rat

Start from the beginning

BUZZ! You fished out your phone and we saw Yu Jun sent a text.

"I saw Dad rounding up some bodyguards. He seemed pretty pissed and looked like he was sending them off somewhere."

"What?" you exclaimed.

"Jungkook, ask her how many are there."

"How many bodyguards, Jun?" you texted.

"Twenty as far as I saw," she replied.

"And you don't know where Dad sent them?"

"He mentioned a safehouse but that is all I got."

"Thanks for letting us know, Jun."

"Please tell me everything will be find."

"It will. Eun Jeong and I promise you that."

You put your phone away.

"She said he sent them to a safehouse. Could it be this one?" I asked.

"I don't know. And if it is, why would he not tell me about it? If we only knew who called him. But we will have to deal with that later. We have shooters to round up. Text Chang where you are and play innocent. We cannot let him get suspicious."

"Got it."

I can't believe you would do this, Uncle Chang... but you are going to pay for it. I cannot let my anger get the better of me though. I need to keep this nonchalant.

"You will never guess where I am," I texted Uncle Chang.

"Somewhere important, I hope," he replied.

"Oh, you bet It is one of Jungkook's safehouses."

"Haha, good job, kid. He must be shitting his pants if he brought you along. Text me the address."

Like you don't have it already.

I typed out the address and sent it to him.

"Got it. We will keep in touch. Don't make him suspicious," he replied.

"Was that okay, Jungkook?"

"Perfect. And now let us set up the trap."

Together, we set up the safehouse for our ambush and once it was done, we waited. A few hours passed... While hidden behind the couch, we observed both exits where he alarms can be activated. Suddenly, the back door unlocked, and a man dressed in black triggered the alarm. A sharp shrill sound disoriented him.



At the same time, we came out of our cover and shot at the assailants. Our shower of bullets kept them at bay, making them retreat.

Got him!

But one of them, jumping from spot to spot evaded the bullets and lunged at me with a bat.

Instinctively, I kicked the man in the chest and sent him flying backwards.

Is he not the same guy Uncle Chang was talking with... That Jack guy?

From the side, you came in, punching the guy in the face and sending him to the floor. I jumped for cover as the bullets started to fly. Then suddenly, a group of unknown men, armed to the teeth, came bursting in through the front door.

"It's dad's bodyguards!" you exclaimed.


"Go! To the basement!"

Evading the gunfire, you and I ran down into the basement. I found it empty the window to the side opened. "Olivia is gone!"

"No time for that now, Piccola! Let's go!"

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