Chapter 2

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It happened. It had been two years and she was pregnant. Although Maddie-rose's sister and a few others tried to postpone it the baby was on its way. Her mum had been over to help deliver a new god or goddess into the world. Oliver was getting on his mother-in-law's nerves. He keeps getting in the way. From standing on towels, knocking things off for the baby, to asking her soo many questions. But was so engrossed in his excitement during the birth. Their connection was irritating for the servants trying to help the goddess along with her sister's nervous biting.

The baby boy arrived like god. A woosh of energy announced from the temple that no one noticed, but animals like Mr owl would feel coming. The news was sent as it happened. Maddie-rose and Oliver's baby were told. Animals would tell across all of the spiritual realms. So whisper would grow in the oceans and skies.

"We did it Maddie-rose" he kissed her as the baby was given to them. Wrapping them into the sheets. "We got a little boy"

"And you survived from my family," she said planting a gentle kiss on the little one.

Her mum and sister left the room. Looking back to see the happy couple with a small newborn and a new family. The wind swirled around them where it didn't leave a cold sensation. It left the always open window. Priests across the land would learn about the birth of the boy.

As the days past things slowly changed, and the new family was unaware of their heightened emotions. Then days turned into weeks and things began to change more noticeably but were brushed off. One day the little one was left alone. Mr owl was nowhere to be seen. Maddie rose's mum walked into the temple and it was empty. She heard the cry of her grandson, left all alone.

"Hello, Maddie-rose where are you?" she looked around. "There you are little one" hushing the little one. Wrapped in the cloth.

She again did a search around the place. Calling out Oliver. The whole place was darker than usual. And took the little one away. Tears made her eyes shiny the restrained sobs in her throat as she entered her own temple with the child.

As the day turned to years then to decades to centuries. The world's fashion changed royals came and went. The British royal family were killing each other or plotting against each other or fighting with interconnected families across Europe. Fame came late for others. Men by candlelight were writing stories. Women began to fight for their rights. Wars came and went. Boats changed shape and some stayed the same.

Yet there was no Maddie-rose or Oliver to be seen. Nothing but old stories told in groups. As they said things that then began to change. Like an annoying plot in a TV series. Was she the youngest or the oldest? Then Oliver changed from blond hair to brown to red waves. People forgot the tiny details about them. The once powerful goddess disappeared from the history books.

Before you knew it people were driving around in cars. Tech became popular as the source of our connection. Well sometimes. Men's views were challenged some weren't.

In a school where children were having a break. It was full of children, running, screaming, laughing and so on. It was a village school somewhere in Somerset. And it was cold the sort of cold air wear they wore their hats with dragon ears to princess colour. Badges were of the bags of the older ones. The teacher watched the tiny children running around. Trying to stay out of the way. Miss Adams watched them trying to drink a coffee.

"Not too fast you will hurt yourself" she swirled again. "And you two hands to yourself"

The children carried on screaming. Miss Adams saw a young girl chasing a group of boys with a large branch. She waited for another teacher to say something. And they did. Miss Adams looked at the widened authority eyes in them when the child slowly put the branch down. A little frown on their face with a huff.

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