4.) Bane's Pov

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Author here: I'm going to add an image of how I think Alisa and Bane look like, but you can ignore that If you'd like :) 

Soon I'm standing face to face with the biggest pain in my behind. This pack is constantly having issues, but for once in my life this meeting doesn't seem like it'll be entirely a waste of my time as I seem to believe that the little daughter of the Beta is my mate, what a beautiful little thing. Her dark hair falls beautifully down her past her shoulders, framing her face and providing quite the contrast to those beautiful bright blue eyes. They are almost the color of a crystal lake.

I look over to Jayce and see him staring at the Alpha's daughter.

"Looking a little love sick at your mate there?" I question over the mindlink causing him to glare at me for a second as I interrupted him.

"Thank you Alpha Bane for meeting us here, we have a lot to talk about." Alpha Lance says as he extends his hand openly for a handshake.

I begrudgingly shake his hand.

"You are correct, there is a lot to discuss. You mentioned another border issue. Am I correct?" I state, trying to keep my focus on the meeting and not my beautiful little mate.

"Yes, your majesty. Another pack has broken through our border, we need assistance."

I stifle a laugh.

"What is this, the third one this month?" I ask, slightly annoyed by the fact that they can't protect their own border.

"Yes Alpha, it is."

"And it's only the 8th of July!" Jayce sighs.

"We apologize Ban-"

"You do not have the authority to call me by my name, keep it professional please." I urge the annoyance evident in my voice.

"My apologies Alpha, however these issues keep getting worse."

"This is the last time we send assistance. You need to start strengthening your border patrol so that this issue ceases." I state, completely annoyed by this whole meeting. My mate is staring at me looking dazed.

"Will you be attending the wedding Alpha?" The beta chimes in, causing confusion from all of us except Lance.

"I wasn't aware there was a wedding. Please inform me about who is getting married" I state, absolutely annoyed at the idea of attending a wedding other than my own at this point.

"My daughter, Alisa, is getting married." He states and my entire body tenses. I see my mate's jaw drop so I know she doesn't know about this.

"To whom is she getting married to, she's unmated?" I question, tension and stress filling every fiber of my being.

"No, she is unmated, however we are marrying her off to Giovanni Russi" The pathetic excuse for a man states, extraordinarily proudly.

I see my mate start to panic and it causes me more anger than I think I've ever felt in my life

"Shouldn't you let her find her mate and marry him?" I question. My anger rising exponentially as I see the first tear fall from her stunning eyes.

"Why would we do that? Giovanni is perfect for her, he's had an interest in her since she was like 8." her father responds with pride, lacing his voice.

I see the battle in my mates eyes, before she turns and runs off, faster than I thought her little legs could carry her.

"My poor little dove, she doesn't deserve this." I think to myself.

I see her father turn to follow her, anger filling his features. I take a deep breath and state "Leave it, I'm going after her, she's running towards my land, you'll never find her."

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