3.) Alisa's POV

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As we walk closer the smell gets stronger but I have a bad feeling in my gut. Soon I'm standing face to face with Alpha Bane. He's known as being the scariest alpha there ever was however, I don't seem scared.

"Well of course you're not scared, Dummy! He's our mate!" Maise swoons in my head, I brush her off.

"Thank you Alpha Bane for meeting us here, we have a lot to talk about." Uncle Lance says as he extends his hand openly for a handshake. Alpha Bane begrudgingly shakes his hand and they start to talk about business.

"Luckily you're never going to be Alpha, Aly. You'd never pay any attention." Ivy teases me over mindlink.

"Like you're paying any more attention than I am." I retort.

"True, this is boring, they are hot though. I think the beta is my mate." She continues starting to gush.

"I feel like the alpha-" I start before getting cut off by my father's voice.

"Will you be attending the wedding Alpha?" He asks, which peaks my interest.

"Whose getting married?" I question silently.

"I wasn't aware there was a wedding. Please inform me about who is getting married" Alpha Bane states, almost annoyed by the idea of a wedding.

"My daughter, Alisa, is getting married." He states and my jaw drops and I can see Bane's jaw get tense.

"To whom is she getting married to, she's unmated?" He questions, his body full of tension.

"No, she is unmated, however we are marrying her off to Giovanni Russi" My father says proudly and I can feel all the color drain from my face.

"I am not getting married to the man who ruined my life!" I think in a panic.

"Shouldn't you let her find her mate and marry him?" Bane questions getting more angry as he sees my tears start to fall.

"Why would we do that? Giovanni is perfect for her, he's had an interest in her since she was like 8." My father responds with pride, lacing his voice.

The memories quickly become too much and I run off, tears pouring down my face.After a few minutes of running I reach a lake. A peaceful blue lake, with barely any ripples. I collapse onto the floor in tears shutting off my father yelling at me over mindlink.

"Why Me!!??" I sob, tears pouring down my cheeks, carrying the shattered shards of my broken heart. Agony fills my body and I feel so broken, I lay my head down as the weight is too much to bear.

I soon hear footsteps approaching me, but I don't care enough to lift my head and figure out who it is.

The footsteps seem heavy and loud but not aggressive enough to be my father, too fast to be Uncle Lance's and too heavy to be Ivy's.

Away From My AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora