Chapter - 3

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" Done staring, good morning beautiful".
To avoid the awkwardness you just smiled and replied " good morning, did you sleep well? "
You tied up your hair and went to freshen up.
All the members were up, when you came out of shower.

You put on some skincare and your accesories and you went to the kitchen to prepare tea for everyone. Sky was clear, but not for long. Weather forecast predicted heavy rainfall today too. So, you quickly ordered some food, also knowing the fact that you don't have so much money left.

When the food arrived, you were cleaning the room and jungkook was helping you.
So Namjoon took the order. You heard him taking the order and rushed to pay but he already paid even after you refusing.

But then he just looked at you and smiled.
" I saw your unpaid bill, and that's okay, nothing to shame for. I asked my manager to transfer some money. So that's fine and wait till you get paid again, we are definitely coming back for a meal from you."
Namjoon said, and jungkook came laughing from inside,

" no, Don't take them to a meal. They eat like hungry monkeys when the meal is on someone else. My experience says. "

After you laughing moment you all were waiting for yoongi to come out of shower to eat together.

Yoongi came out wearing nothing but just a tank top and sweatpants.
You looked at him and you eyes fell on his arms and his toned muscles.

While eating, you realised you were not the only one looking at him, yoongi was looking at you too.

But wait, what? Why?

He was not exactly looking at you. He was looking at your ring.

He started eating fast and still looking at your ring stood up and washed hands and went straight up to balcony.
Looks like he was calling someone.

You ignored for a moment and carried on eating with others.
You were talking with members and you realised you and jimin had a lot in common and you and Namjoon had same kind of taste in books.

It was half and hour now and yoongi was still on phone. You wonder if it was his girlfriend but soon he came in and called jungkook and now they were on the same call.
They were trying not to believe or maybe convinced over something and shocked at the same time.

Now you were curious.

After 15 min they came in but said nothing.
It was almost the time to prepare lunch.
You prepared some light meal.
Namjoon was reading a book from your shelf, and tae found some of your video games to entertain himself.

You were just done with the dishes when jungkook called you in the balcony.

You dries off your hands and went to the living room.

You saw jungkook holding a paper but you had no idea what that was.

He suddenly asked you something totally unexpected.

" Do you believe in soulmate? " - jungkook asked.
" just curious " he added.

" Yes " you replied.
" Like, but I am not sure. " You added.

Then you saw yoongi leaning on the wall but he stood up and came closer to you.

" What is it's true " yoongi said in a whispering yet audible voice sending you butterflies.

" I can't make things go round. So,
What If I am your soulmate, what if I tell you that you are the one meant for me or more like, I was made for you "vo

You thought it was a prank, and started avoiding meeting your eyes with his but the way his eyes never left following your eyes, the spark and compassion you saw in his eyes and the way he was holding your shoulders, the way he wanted to hear some words from your mouth, all those feelings and gestures were true.

You had nothing to say, those words left you wordless. But somehow you managed to say
" I have no idea, what are you talking about? "

Jungkook showed you the paper and you were totally shocked. You stumbled at your place, yoongi held you and gave you support.

What was on the paper?
Find out in next part.

Thank you 💟

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