Xisuma a watcher?

472 17 6

Tw. Mentioned abuse and torture.

Requested by @Lexcat33

I hope this is okay/what you were asking for?


Grian P.O.V


I was summoned at the Watcher Council for a meeting. These meetings were always so boring and not really my style. I rarely show up to them, but the Council insisted me to come as this one "was important". I would much rather be building my base than a meeting but sure.

I found my seat pretty quickly and started talking to Taurtis (yes, I made him a Watcher). The head of the council started off the meeting as any other. Were they sure this even was important as they had said?

"We have found an admin that would be a very good fit as a Watcher he was hesitant to join us, so we "encouraged" him until he said yes" The head of the council said.

Of course, they were on about their "encourage" nonsense, it's just torture nothing else.

The head Watcher signaled into the guards to lead the new recruit in.

Time skip backwards and now Third person P.O.V


Xisuma was doing his admin duties as he was supposed to and checking up on the server when he found a glitch and was confused, he started to search more into it and couldn't find anything about it.

Xisuma was concerned to say the least as nothing like this had happened before? Was he going crazy? 

He went outside to see if he could see anything unnatural and they he blacked out.

Time skip


 Xisuma woke up in some sort of cell everything seemed tinted purple and he could breathe normally. 

Xisuma was confused to say the least. Where was he? He was guessing the end because he could breathe but how would anyone get in the end? In Hermitcraft they were only in the beginning of the season how would anyone get in the end?

There was someone, was it a someone or is it a creature he couldn't tell but it ended up beating him leaving Xisuma confused and on the brink of death on the floor.

They were asking him to join something called the Watchers he obviously said yes not knowing what he was getting himself into, but what choice did he have he is about to die without their "Help".

Time skips to present also Third Person P.O.V


Grain watched as they dragged Hermitcraft's Admin, his servers admin. 

Grian really couldn't care anymore until he was assigned to teach Xisuma the ropes of being a Watcher.

Grian walked over to Xisuma and pulled him to his room where he would be staying in while he would be learning the ropes and left him there.


I will make a Part 2 to show him actually learning the ropes soon be patient but yeah ty for reading this and for the support.

Good night/afternoon/morning!

Eat a snack you deserve it <3

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