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Hey there everyone! It's Author-chan or Tiger or Olive. I am one of many names. 😅


- No smut, lemon, lime, etc (I'm a minor) 🥲🙃

- I will take angst/sad/ or just straight-up sad stories

- Nothing that's a "sexy" or "hot" scenes are a big nono (remember I'm a minor)

- You can just put requests here

-  Despite what it says, I will take headcanons (the reason why I am living) 

- Platonic relationships are ok 

- I will accept all ships ( I even support Hanakou or Aoinene )

- I don't really do minor x adult except No.5 x No.2 because it's them. *points*

That's it! Please be nice in the comments. Remember this is a safe space. Also, I might put in random incorrect quotes. 😅 I'm not a good writer so if I didn't write the oneshot the way you imagined it please tell me. Will try to fix best as I can. See you guys soon. Tiger out! 

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