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   It was pouring rain. The grass of green hills was all muddy, slippery, and gross. The rain pouring down felt like taking a shower. The loops where all gross, as the storm moved in quicker. Seven ran through the rain like no tomorrow. Clenching her right arm, staining her T-shirt in her own blood. The rain making her blood drip down her arm. She ran in such a big panic. Her curly hair now soaked and lose, looking longer than usual. She felt like someone was chasing her. But even if they weren't, she would still be running. Taking no chances what so ever. Her eyes wide and panicked, fear and pain.

   She suddenly slipped on slosh yelping, splashing into a big puddle. She was all wet, cold and soaked.
She had nowhere else to go. It was just grass, hills and loops. She felt week, helpless...hopeless.
She was going to let herself get captured once more, until she looked up ahead of her. Her heart skipped beats when she found a house like home.

     A big work shop, with a metal garage door with a padlock key on the side. With some sort of yellow symbol plastered on it. She scrambled on her feet, running towards the wear house. She tried to slide the door open, but it was locked. She aggressively banged on the door with all her might. With tears in her eyes, she banged even harder. Until she heard some footsteps over the pouring weather. She took a step back, applying pressure to her right arm once more.

    She heard something unlock, then the door sliding. She didn't see anyone at first, until she looked down. It was a yellow like fox who answered the door, looking shocked with wide eyes. She stared back into his blue eyes absolutely astonished, waiting for him to say something. Did this fucking animal answer the door?! She thought.

   "Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" He asked worried. Seven couldn't find the words, not even the ones in the back of her head. "You look terrible, come inside!" He insisted. Seven immediately ran into his home, shocking him. He quickly closed the door and locked it with a passcode. looking at the soaked, wet and week human girl. Now leaning against a table.

He had so many questions.

Who was this?
How did she get here?
Where did she come from?

   He's never seen a human around here, except for Eggman. Very tall too. Or is he just short? "A-are you okay?" The fox proceeded to ask her. She just looked at him with glossy eyes, not responding to his question. His gaze turned towards the girls hurt arm, clenched in her hand. "You're bleeding," he pointed out, Seven now looking at her arm. "Here, let me help you." He insisted, walking closer to her.
Only for her to flinch away from him, looking scared.

   "hey hey, I'm not going to hurt you. Promise." He said, placing a hand on his heart. She quickly scanned him, checking to see if she ran into the house of a threat. She still stayed silent, being less tense than she was. "Just sit down in that chair over there, and I'll be right back." He gestured over to the chair by his work desk. Seven looked over to the chair, then at the fox with a raised brow. With the fox noticing her action.

"You can trust me." After he said that. His two tails started propelling him off the ground, Seven now looking in utter astonishment. He flew right past her to go grab something, leaving her alone in the area.
She watched as he flew off, now giving her the chance to sit at the desk alone with her thoughts.
She sat there, looking around the work shop.

   Walls filled with tools, and one wall with pictures of what looks like his friends. All happy and joyful.
Seven looked saddened, as she has no friends. All cause of how she acted or talked. She looked around his work desk, finding some cool tools and gadgets or leftover scraps of metal. Her facial expression didn't look intrigued. But she sure was.

     She then heard sounds of propellers coming towards her, now facing the noise. The fox came back with a first aid kit, placing it on his desk going to grab another chair in order for him to reach her.
He stood on the chair, now opening the first aid kit.
Pulling out some cotton balls.

"Alright, lift up your sleeve." He said. Some odd reason, she leaned away from him slightly, holding her arm tighter. "I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help you." He said softly. Seven glances at him for a moment, then finally sighs in defeat. She sat up straight, removed her hand, then lifted up her sleeve. Hissing in pain as the blood stuck to her shirt.

   Revealing a big cut slightly below the shoulder, part of her arm covered in patches of blood. The fox winced at the sight of how big the wound was.
"Ooh, yeah that's pretty big." He said, as he grabbed a bottle of proxied. Pouring some on the cotton.
"Now I'm only gonna go around it to clean the blood, then disinfect it okay?" He assured her.
Seven nodded, allowing him to clean off the blood.
Seven wincing, as the pressure caused some pain.
The fox took notice and immediately apologized.

"S-sorry, I'll be gentle." He said, cleaning her arm lighter this time. She felt awkward just watching him heal her. So all she did was stare at the wall in front of her, with dark circles under her eyes. After he was finished cleaning the blood, he grabbed a new clean cotton ball pouring some proxied on it.
"Now this is going to sting, okay?" He said, getting a nod in response.

He continued to gently disinfect the wound, as Seven hissed in pain. "Okay I'm done!" He told her, making her sigh in relief. He grabbed some gauze, and bandaged tape to wrap around her arm. He put the gauze on, then wrapped her arm in bandages.
Cutting off the extra, then tapping it down. "There, good as new!" The fox exclaimed. Placing the medical stuff back in the kit, as Seven looked at her bandaged arm.

   She felt the bandage slightly on her finger tips, only to realize her hand was covered in blood. "You might need to wash your hands." The fox said.
Seven found a large sink across the room, walking over towards it. Squirting some soap into her hand, then turning the fosit. After cleaning and drying her hands, the fox asked her a question.

"So what's your name?"

   Seven looked down at him. She heard what he said, but didn't want to answer. She moved her lips like she was about to talk, but she could hardly force a mumble. "Can't speak?" He asked. Seven stayed silent once more. She can speak, she just doesn't know if she could. "Well, my name's Tails." He introduced himself, holding a gloved hand out for a shake. She reluctantly grabbed his hand and shook it.

"S...S-Se..." she started mumbling. Tails became curious, then started listening closely to what she's going to say. "Se...Seven." She greeted, and was the first ever word that came out of her mouth since she got here. "Seven? Is that your name?" Tails asked her. She nodded shyly, but then whispered something. "don't c-call...'e that...bad memories." She told him.

It was obvious to him that no one's parents would name their child Seven. Sounded more like a test subject name.

But from who?

  "don't want to be called that?" Tails rubbed his chin thinking to himself. Seven stood there awkwardly, looking down at the floor with sad and tired eyes. "How about Venni?" He suggested.

Anything than that stupid name!

   She instantly nodded, with a small smile on her face. That name sounded more normal than her original. "Okay, Venni it is." He confirmed. Now their both standing there awkward in silence.
Venni didn't know what to do, other than twist her foot a little bit.

   "Well I guess it is getting kind of late." Tails looked at the door, then back at her. "You probably need some rest...seems like you've been through a lot." He said softly. "You can get cleaned up tomorrow, you seem tired."

Venni nodded in agreement, her eyes already feeling heavy.


   Tails set up the couch for Venni to sleep in.
Even though she had to sleep in her dirty clothes, she didn't care. All she wanted was some rest.
Tails got her some blankets, and cranked up the AC a little to keep her warm. Venni slipped off her shoes and socks as she climbed into bed/the couch.
Slipping under the soft warm covers, she felt safe and cozy.

   "Comfy?" Tails asked, as Venni nodded. "Okay, if you need anything I'll be up on the second floor, end of the hall, to the left." He reminded her, pointing towards the stairs. But when he looked back at her, she was already drifted off to sleep.
He didn't even get the chance to show her around.
But guess she was really tired. Tails sighed, slightly stressed.

How was he going to take care of her?
What if Eggman finds out she's here, and do horrible things to her?

He didn't have time to think about any of this.
Right now, he needs to plan on what happens in the morning.

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