Oc info(updated)

145 4 0

Name: Seven/Venni

Gender: female

Race: biracial(or black)

Eye color: hazel

Hair color/type: brown, tight curls

Age: 13

Hight: 5'7 (so basically taller than almost everyone cause she's human)

Cloths usually warn: oversized clothes

Likes/loves: rap, art, music, cloths, Billie Eilish, food, soda, candy, hugs, positive physical touch, friends.

Hates: bullies, ass holes, talking on the phone.

Talent: sing, rap, art, roasting.

Personality: kind, mean (only when someone's mean to her, and she'll snap back.), introvert, goofy.

Other: trauma, clever, shy, quiet, anxious, shows her love by: hugging, teasing, playful hitting, randomly rests herself onto her friends like shoulder resting, ADHD, brings up random things, on the spectrum of autism, stutters or slurs, selective mute,

mentally in pain...

(Tails is 15 in this book)

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