Chapter 4: family issues

Começar do início

JAY: Hey me and Alex are leaving school now so are you free to come over?

MARK: No im with maddy sorry

JAY: So bring her with I want to see you please

MARK: Is Alex okay if I bring maddy?

JAY: He said its fine

MARK: Okay see you later I love you

JAY: Okay bye I love you too

"yes he is coming over!" I jump up and down "okay well lets get going then jumpping bean" he says "oh yeah maddy is coming too" I said "wait what!" he shouts "im sorry please just hang out with her for me" I ask with puppy dog eyes. "You are so lucky your my brother" he says "I know" I said we get home and I see that marks skateboard is on the pourch "looks like he is already here" alex says "yeah" I said heading inside I did not see mark in the kicthen or  in the living room so I run upstairs to my room not even caring about maddy. "mark!" I said "hey" he said "why are you wearing a hood?" I ask "no reason" he said "mark show me please" I ask walking to him he takes off his hood "he did that too you?" I ask feeling his face and seeing his lip all busted in he winces "sorry" I said pulling my head away. "Im fine" he said "here have on of my shirts since your hass blood all over it" I said throwing him a clean shirt "thanks" he says he takes off his shirt and I see all the buries I pull him into a hug he turns around and collapes in my arms and starts crying "I cant do this anymore jay" he says in between sobs "I know it will be okay" I kiss his head "he-- he wont stop" he studers I kiss him on the lips this time "im sorry I did not mean to bring you into this" he says "its okay the only important thing is that you have me and we have each other" I said "yeah" he says.

Alex's pov
Mark and jay walk out of his room I see that mark as been crying but I dont mention it "hey im going to the kicthen you guys want anything?" I ask "yeah can you get me a beer?" mark askes "yeah a soda for me" jay says "can I have water?" maddy askes "alright" I said heading to the kitchen I come back with all the drinks except for maddys "where is mine?" maddy askes "yeah sorry we dont have water" I said "okay" she says I look over to see mark laying his head on jays "so jay" maddy says "yeah?" he askes "you like anyone?" she askes I look over to jay "no" he said "okay" she said "im going to be in my room" jay says and mark follows "mark why are you always following jay?" she askes "because I can" he says "oh now mark you know better than talk to me like that" she says I look at mark he looks at the ground then back at me "oh what you going to do?" he askes "I will tell dad about you and jay" she says I look at mark and he has fear in his eyes I have never seen him look like that ever. "no im so so sorry please dont tell him I will do anything!" he begs "no too late when we get home I will tell him" she says "look maddy im so sorry please dont tell him" he begs again "yeah no sorry your so dead when he finds out" she laughs that got mine and jays attenshion "whatever mark lets go to my room" jay says and he shoots me a glare I nod my head. "Hey please dont tell your dad" I ask "and why not?" she askes "because he is family with me and jay and two other people we can not lose him and jay will be so sad" I said "yeah im still telling him" she says "fine by me" I said.

Marks pov
Me and jay get into his room I pace around the room "he is going to kill me" I say panicking "mark calm down it will be okay trust me I have a plan" jay says "and whats that?" I ask "we can call the cops you go home and they will see that he is beating you up and he will get arrested" jay says "okay but what about cps?" I ask "they wont care about you because you are 18" jay says "okay I like this plan" I said jay kisses me with passion but I turn it heated I bite his bottom lip and he opens his mouth to let me in I let my tonge explore his mouth now are lips are moving in syinc I push him onto his bed and I start kissing his neck "mhm mark wait~" he moans quitly "what?" I ask "we can play later right now we have a plan" he says "oh right we will finish this tomorrow" I said "okay" he says. We head downstairs "come on maddy we are leaving" I said heading out the door I turn around "the cops are already coming" jay says "okay" I said when I get home maddy yells for dad "what?" he askes "I have something to tell you" she says "okay what is it?" he askes "mark is dating a boy his name is jay" she says he does not say anything he just hits me "you will never date a boy!" he shouts and hits me again I fall to the floor I smile "why are you smiling for?" he askes I just laugh "do you think this is funny?" he askes "yes because you dont know whats going to happen next and I do" I laugh he hits me again I hear the sirens "help im in here!!!" I shout the cops come running into the house "down on your knees!" one of the cops shouts "cuff him!" he shouts the cops drags him out of the house "hey kid your okay now" the cop says "thank you what is going to happen to us?" I ask "well since your 18 nothing because that means your an adult and your sister will go back to her family" the cop said "okay" I said running to jay who was next to the cops "holy shit it worked!" I said with exitement "yeah we are happy for you dude" alex says "yeah thanks" I said "but hey alex can I talk to you privately?" I ask "sure" alex says and he follows me "can you go some where tomorrow?" I ask "why?" he askes "because I want it just to be me and jay" I said "oh yeah I got you I was going to go to a party anyways I will just stay there" he says "alright thanks" I said "yeah no problem" he says and we walk back to jay and we go to their house we all go to sleep.

WORDS: 2171
Alright next chapter will cotain smut

Little brotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora