Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Jiang Yanli

It has been 3 years.

Time flies so fast that Wei Wuxian didn't notice. To him it felt like it was only just yesterday when he buried Lan Wangji's remains.

No matter how poor his memory was, he couldn't forget the image of the Second Young Master Lan in his final moments.

Wei Wuxian sat at the pavillon while staring blankly at the Lotus Pond.

"What happened to him?!" Wei Wuxian stormed inside the cottage in panic.

Worry filled his head when his eyes darted at the sweating child who had a contorted expression.

"He is sick. The temperature of his body is too hot for a normal fever. It won't die down soon." Wen Qing replied, fixing Wen Yuan's blanket.

Wei Wuxian asked, "Will he be okay?"



Perhaps he should visit Wen Yuan again later in the afternoon. While he's at it, he could also buy a new toy for the child.

"A-Xian," A soft hand landed on his shoulder. The action successfully got his attention to the doer.

"Shijie." He grinned upon seeing his senior sister.

The female sat in front of him. Warmth emitting from her as she showed a worried expression.

"What's wrong?"

Wei Wuxian shook his head and stared back. He pretended like nothing has been bothering him.

He is used to it.

Just like how he used to act in Lan Wangji's first life.

Two slender fingers held his hands, intertwined in a tight hold. Jiang Yanli sighed.

"A-Xian, remember that I'm always here for you. You don't need to hide anything from me. Ever since Lan-Er Gongzi's death you've become distant. I'm worried about you..."

This is the last thing he wanted. To be the subject of Jiang Yanli's worries.

He never told anyone about the hidden Wens nor about Lan Wangji's purpose to change their future.

Heck, he didn't even tell the Jiang siblings about it.

But seeing Jiang Yanli's expression, he is having a hard time resisting the urge to blurt out all his problems and sorrows.

From afar, him and Jiang Wanyin were sitting down on the ground in the middle of a battlefield.

Dirt and blood covered the both of them as they look down on the laying figure in Jiang Wanyin's arms.

Wei Wuxian dropped his forehead on their joined hands and fluttered his eyes close as he recalled a very distinct memory.

"Shijie, I'm sorry."

An attacker appeared behind Wei Wuxian and before he could pierce the sword on the Yilling Patriarch, Jiang Yanli shoved his brother aside and sacrificed her life.

"Will you ever forgive me?"

Jiang Yanli has never been confused in her whole life. Regardless of her bafflement, she puts up a smile and ruffled his hair.

"You did nothing wrong to say sorry, and if you did I will always forgive my little brother."


Wei Wuxian placed the small wooden sword on the table and sat beside Wen Yuan's bed.

The frail child was covered in sheets and a wet towel carefully placed over his forehead. The older man wished he could take his pain instead.

Wei Wuxian caressed his chubby cheeks. "A-Yuan, get well soon alright? I have new toys for you to play with."

The Head Disciple took out a familiar object that symbolizes the Yiling Patriarch.

Chenqing, Wei Wuxian's dizi that accompanied him in his dark path as Suibian's substitute.

He lifted the flute near his mouth and blew the music that he accidentally heard when passing by the market earlier.

It's a lively song that many people enjoyed, Wei Wuxian himself included. He even made sure to remember it so that A-Yuan could hear it as well.

"Next time I visit, I will bring those Lotus Pods that you want to try. But A-Yuan has to be better by then, hm?"

Lan Zhan, I know I'm definitely overreacting but don't take him too soon-

Wei Wuxian gasped when he saw a pair of eyes looking back at him.

Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan! A-Yuan is awake!

"Lan Zha-I mean, Qing-jie!"



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