Chapter 13

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She looked everywhere but the stand had vanished. The same night as Alayna and Angelo got their punishment Alayna decided to head for the night market. She went from vendor to vendor asking them if they had seen an old lady that used to sell outdated ornaments, however none of them could remember someone that fit Alayna's description. She was about to head back until one of the vendors called her over.

"Aye I heard you were searching for the old lady."

"Yes that would be me, do you sir have any clue where I could find her? '' Alayna responded, realizing it was the same man that wouldn't sell her the flower clip. This time he seemed to have forgotten his politeness.

"Maybe but it comes with a price," He said, gesturing to show her what kind of price he was talking about. 'Of course everything came with a price.'
Alayna wasn't even sure that the man knew anything but he was her last source.

The man spoke as soon as Alayna flipped a coin toward him. "I know that the old hag owns an old antique shop in the city."

"And do you know where this shop is located?"

"Of course I know, but this will also come with a price," the man taunted. Alayna narrowed her eyes at him. She didn't know whether she was being deceived or told the truth nonetheless she decided to flip him a coin once more.

"It is located on the last street of this road. If you want a faster way I would recommend taking the alley behind the market but if you're afraid you can always take the longer way" he said,"Is that all you wanted to hear or you want more?"

Alayna had at least a dozen more questions like how does he know the old women, when does the shop open or close but she didn't have enough time to entertain this man. "No thank you, I think I've got everything I needed" she decided and carried on her way.

"Hey young lady I'm always up for business so if you need anything you know where to go!" The vendor called after her.

She ignored him and walked past the crowd and the different stands admiring everything from the lights to the dancing people in front of the fountain. The music faded away as she was walking towards the end of the street. Alayna arrived in front of the alleyway the vendor was talking about. She could feel an eerie silence and the brush of wind pushing her forward. It eased her knowing that there was an exit on the other side and that the vendor wasn't bluffing.

"Never in a million years would I have thought to make such a foolish decision" she whispered to herself hoping that her decision would eventually have a good outcome.

Alayna was aware of the weapon she had strapped on to herself but none of it aided her tranquility. The alley was murky and quiet. The noise of water droplets striking the gravel and Alayna's boots squelching was the only thing she could focus on. As she was walking she realized that the alley stretched further than what she had expected. Just as she was about to calm her uneasiness Alayna heard the sound of laughter and cackling. Her body froze up making her tense in reaction. She swiftly hid behind a crate. As she calmed herself down Alayna allowed herself to peek through the crate. She saw dangerously looking men sitting in front of a fire, cackling like hens. By her observation, escape without notice was something she knew was impossible. Alayna was stuck hidden behind a crate and the realization slowly dawned over her. But Alayna was not one to give up so she listened in on the men in hope of a miracle.

"You should've seen how I slit the boys throat" one of the men said and the rest was snickering at him.

'Maybe a miracle was too much to hope for.'

"Please, please I beg you to forgive me, I will bring you the money tomorrow" one of the other men tried to replicate someone with a high pitched voice. Alayna's heart started quickening as she continued eavesdropping.'What did I put myself in?' she scolded herself. She couldn't just stay here all night besides, she had to visit the shop before it closed. Alayna looked around trying to find something to distract them with.
She saw a small stone and without any thought threw it far into their direction. All of the men pushed up to their feet ready to attack. Luckily the old trick worked, making them turn their head in unison.

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