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Fluffy Headcannons!!!!

This one is just the main 7 boys + Diavolo and Barbatos!! The next fluff headcannons will be the rest of the characters!!

-"I hate everyone but you trope"
-he pretends to hate things you do but if you say you'll stop doing it he will cough to clear his throat and say there's no need
-he likes to put his hands on your waist while kissing you
-doesn't like nicknames but occasionally will use one to catch you off guard
-can't admit when he's wrong... that causes lotttssss of fighting
-is more of a cat person than a dog person
-when you say you like something he will go buy it for you and leave it in your room
-doesn't like being affectionate in public cause his brothers tease him "awww Luci's gone soft~!"
-likes kisses more than cuddling or holding hands. But he will hold your hand if he feels another person is hitting on you, just to scare them off

-a total golden retriever boyfriend
-always wants snuggles
-this man can't hide it when he's flustered, he tries to cover his face and stuff but always gives it away
-"I hate spending my money on other people but if it's you I'd spend millions."
-loves nicknames, love, darling, you name it he will use it on you
-he likes when you praise things he does, because his brothers always insult him
-loves hugs from behind
-loves being affectionate in public because he gets to show you off
-gives you little cheek kisses
-he names not just his credit card, but lots of his other objects too.
-you guys gotta take turns being the little spoon while cuddling. Sometimes he wants to be little spoon and sometimes he wants big spoon.
-definitely a dog person, I could see him being allergic to cats but really wanting to cuddle them, so he tries and ends up a sneezing mess

-loves when you just simply acknowledge his feelings. He feels ignored most of the time because his brothers brush him off
-he tries to spend as much time as possible with you
-loves when you wear his clothes. Shorts, sweaters, pants, anything. He loves it
-loves cuddles with his whole soul.
-will buy little plushies for you
-loves playing arcade games.
-likes when you let him win arguments even when he knows he's wrong, just cause his brothers are always assholes about him being wrong.
-loves little cheek kisses
-he likes little whale stuffed animals. I dont make the rules.
-he secretly tried cross-dressing and then thought it was embarrassing but he thought it looked nice so he secretly keeps it in his closet

-kisses, kisses, more kisses
-loves doing skin care routines with you
-he loves when you're bathing together and you lightly massage his head
-hand holding all the way
-you're the only person he doesn't get mad at interrupting his skin routines
-midnight cuddles!!
-loves taking you shopping
-he secretly likes piglets because they're small, cute and pink, he won't touch one though because they're "dirty"
-loves hummingbirds
-likes drinking hot cocoa
-literally stops in the middle of the street to take photos just because it's an "aesthetic moment"

-you're the only one he lets control him
-his brothers drew cat whiskers on his face while he was sleeping and he didn't know and walked around with it for a whole day before noticing
-he secretly likes wearing big hoodies just cause they're comfy even tho he's always trying to dress fancy and professional
-loves popsicles
-adores being told the three words, "I love you" it makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside
-he tries to act like he doesn't care about you but he's super possessive (not in a toxic way tho)
-he has stacks of cat plushies in his closet
-he likes writing/ receiving love letters or any letters in general (handwritten)
-he keeps all the letters he receives in a special box, even ones from people he "doesn't like" (his brothers)
-he writes notes on napkins instead of paper to pass them to you
-he stays up late just to teach you subjects you struggle with

-you're the only one he shares food with
-he likes when you don't make fun of him/ yell at him for eating too much, he always feels bad when he accidentally eats everyone else's food
-he's a big teddy bear who loves cuddles
-not really a kisser but he likes to kiss your forehead before bed
-he's protective. If someone's rude or hostile towards you he will get angry at them
-he gets you gifts that he thinks will remind you of him trying to be cute (it is cute.)
-when he's nervous he loses his appetite
-"I don't like to share but.... Since it's you... would you like some of my cake?"
-likes just being near you, even if it's not physically close to you

-He will stay awake if you want him to, but he might doze off on your shoulder accidentally
-likes to hold you close to him while he naps
-he pretends his pillow is a person when he hugs it at night
-^^ he realized that he liked you when he noticed that instead of just imaging his pillow as a person it was YOU he was imaging he was cuddling
-"I don't care what you're doing.... can I join?"
-pretends to hate you but doesn't
-tries to make jokes and be funny but is horribly unfunny
-Belphie tries to hide his blush behind his hands by shielding his face.
-he kicks his feet while messaging you

-will ask for your help making important decisions
-stays late at the office working, and he secretly likes when you come and visit him at work, even when he tells you to just stay at home and wait for him
-likes waking up to you making him coffee or breakfast
-^^ he brings you breakfast in bed whenever he can
-he loves to treat you like royalty
-"you're asking if I want to go to a party? Well I'd y/n going?"
-he dances like a dork around the kitchen humming to his favorite songs while cooking
-loves kissing you on the hands, but even more on the lips
-"my love, dove"
-he always smiles at you, but isn't afraid to show his real emotions if he's upset

-always working because he's stuck at the castle or with Diavolo
-^^Diavolo let's him off early sometimes to come see you
-he likes ballroom dancing with you in the living room just to feel like he's actually dancing with you in public
-he likes to tip your chin towards him and plant a little peck on your face
-"my my... what if Diavolo find out I just kissed the exchange student..." (Diavolo is your guys' #1 supporter)
-Barbatos likes to come home from work and just lay with you, wether you're just sleeping, watching TV, talking, anything. He just likes being with you.
-loves tea (especially Earl grey and Mint)
-he buys you kiss chocolates just to say "I gave you a kiss"


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Don't worry!! Part 2 with the others will be out soon

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