Beyblade Characters in a Haunted House - Part 3

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arman -

-probably thinks really highly of how he'll act but when it actually comes time to go in the haunted house he'll freak out but then continue to try and remain calm

-he feels like he should be there for taka if they go but taka is less scared than he is so it's actually the opposite way around

-has passed out before at a jumpscare type thing

-but then at the very end he gets very confident and isn't scared of it anymore

-until the next time and he is re-scared of the stuff

taka -

-like i said before, arman doesn't have to be there for him, he's there to help arman

-laughs at the jumpscares

-immediately would come home and try to make his own type of haunted house with the rest of the victories

-its not really scary though, but they tried ig?

-yeah its mostly like drawings of ghosts and printed pictures of dante with drawn on horns or something like that

dante -

-probably buys popcorn or chips during the haunted house and is too distracted by the snacks to actually pay attention to the scary stuff

- when he does get startled, he falls back into delta

-it started as an accident, but then delta started getting annoyed by this, so that's what dante always does now

-dante always looks back at arman though whenever there is a scare and offers some of his snacks 

-it works for a little bit

-but then the rest of the victories want his snacks and he ends up spending 20 dollars on chips for the 10 min haunted house

delta -

-annoyed by dante and arman the whole time

-arman constantly talking about what will be next and dante loudly chewing his snacks

-delta probably puts earbuds or something in to block out the others

- actually really likes the vibes of the haunted house if it is well made, but is strongly against any cheap haunted houses because he feels like its a waste of time

ichika -

-pretty much no emotion during the whole thing, she is super good at not getting scared of haunted houses

-walks with dante and shares some of the food since they are both pretty calm during the haunted house

- fumiya does these annoying screams when he gets scared and ichika is there to lightly punch him and give him an annoyed stare

fumiya -

-makes fun of anyone who gets scared and then would get scared at the same thing that scared the person(mainly arman)

-would be the type to walk in confident and then have to use the emergency exit

-claims its 'just too hot' in the place and he didn't want to deal with it

-or would leave because 'it wasn't scary enough for him' even though he was the one who bailed out first

pheng -

-does fake screams at nothing and then laughs when a real jumpscare comes 

-would dramatically stop and gasp 10 times throughout the haunted house

-would also fall on the ground and bring out a prop knife and pretend he's getting killed

-he doesn't even work there and all the actual workers are so confused

-eventually would get kicked out and then make his own haunted house

-but its actually not a haunted house

-the first couple rooms are scary and then it slowly morphs into some kind of weird prank house

-its impressive but very unnecessary 

arthur -

-mr anger issues would punch anything that surprises him

-he also would claim anything that scared him only surprised him and that he can't get scared 

-probably one of those guys who is always claiming he's a 'manly man'

-and would never admit to any weakness of his

-gwyn would get annoyed and then tell him that he was definitely scared and then explain the scientific information of the signs of getting scared  and how he showed them until arthur admits that he was scared

gwyn -

-probably would walk through it aimlessly and really not have any reaction 

-would go with dante at one point and not get scared at all, but instead annoyed at him

- kinda just walks through it with no expression and not care at all

-not the most fun person to go to a haunted house with

blindt -

-would dramatically scream at everything that scares him

-and everything would scare him

-even at a kids haunted house

-but he would notice the art that went into creating the haunted house and point that out to whoever he went with

joe -

-flips a coin to decide which route to go in the haunted house

-heads - he won't be scared, tails - he will be

-nobody knows how this works, its literally a coin and its the same haunted house either way but it works for joe

-would actually really like haunted houses and would organize group trips with inferno

-even though the rest of the team doesn't care for haunted house

-joe would know all the creepypasta stories, and point out how some things are similar to the creepypasta stories

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