Instruments/Music Headcanons Part 2

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turbo time! 

aiger - 

-the bongos! 

-cant sing at all

-also has maracas and will use them to annoy anyone he can find

ranjiro - 

-cannot sing at all either

-also cant play any instrument

-he doesn't really care about playing instruments though

count nightfell - 

-maybe he can play something?

-probably can't sing though unlike his brother

-plays an otamatone or some other weird electronic thing

fubuki - 

-this boy can sing

-obviously not as good as zac but he has a pretty good voice

-also knows guitar

-taught himself guitar and how to sing and i guess he is just naturally talented like that

-bro i love fubuki he is such an elite character

-sang 'adore you' by harry styles to suoh

(yes i ship them together, no one will change my mind this ship is canon)

-and suoh though it was very cute and then showed up at his house later to bring him flowers

suoh - 

-can't sing super well but isn't terrible

-for some reason i picture him sounding like yungblud if he sings when his eyes are open 

-can play piano really well but never actually plays it

-also would play piano for fubuki only


-uhhh no hyde definitely cannot sing 

-have you heard his voice? its interesting

-jk its great but not made for singing

-knows the recorder from the classic school recorder lessons

phi - 

-ok so he canonically can play the flute and the piano in the manga

-so he's musically talented 

-but also super destructive??

-so he could play the drums!!

-hed actually be really good at the drums

-also could sing pretty well

evel - 

-i see him playing the xylophone for absolutely no reason

-can't sing at all

-hyde always wants him to sing with him but he always declines

-knows how to put together a beat on a launchpad or mpc

hae jin oh - 

-he gives dad-band vibes

-would always participate in karoake even with his lack of talent

-doesn't sound awful, its just weird to hear him sing

-probably would know a tiny bit on drums and cello

laban - 

-can sing?

-idk i think that for some reason

-can't play any instruments but wants to learn at some point

-can't hit low notes AT ALL but actually is really good at high notes when singing

xavier - 

-cannot sing but does know how to ballroom dance

-that's not really music or instrument headcanons, but it kinda fits here

-definitely knows some kind of classical instrument and practiced it every day in his childhood

-doesn't play it anymore now, but if you asked him he could remember it perfectly

kyle - 


-can't sing though

-only knows really obscure rock riffs though

-and older music on guitar

-has also broken a couple guitars before

next is rise!

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