Hunting Season

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(Warning: corpse, gore and blood, kidnapping, sexual harassment?)

My dumbass forgot my gun in the forest. It’s hunting season. Why else would I be in the woods with a gun? It was cold out but warm enough to wear shorts. I know that wearing shorts in the fall in dumb or bad. But it’s a quick in and out thing. I’m wearing a dark blueberry hoodie. It’ll keep me warm for a while. It’s getting dark. I’m such a dumbass. I could have done this in the morning! I can’t turn back. I’ll just get my gun and get out. Easy. I can see it in the distance. It feels like two pairs of eyes are staring at me. What if I have a stocker? Wait, I’m in the woods. There’s animals here. I’m stupid. I’m just fucking paranoid.

I got my gun without a problem. The bullets were taken out. Who touched it? Plus I don’t remember leaving it in the middle of the woods. On a rock. There was a gust of wind. My hat almost fell off. I better go. I turned back the way I came from. It feels longer. The sun had set like a minute ago. I heard a branch snap. In horror movies you shouldn’t look back. I looked back anyway. No one was there. I sighed in relief and turned back to the front. I froze. There was another guy here in the woods. I am being stocked. What a lucky day (him right now ;-;). The guy was tall. He had shorts on and an evergreen hoodie. He let out a breath and smoke came out. Like when it’s so cold your hot breath makes that smoke (right? :’) right??).

I started to shiver. I didn't realize that it got so cold this quickly. He had a gun with him. There was blood on it. Was he hunting? I looked past him to see an arm in a bush. It was already rotting. Maggots are already eating at it. There was a finger missing from the hand. I looked at the gun's trigger. There was a finger. I looked up at the guy. Part of his face had blood on it. I want to run. But I can’t move. The guy took the finger off and flicked it away. His hand touched my face moving it side to side. “You're a pretty thing… such a pretty thing.” He took my gun out of my hands. He looked at it. Checking for bullets. Which there is none. He was checking the condition it was in.

He dropped the gun that he was holding. The one that he got from the person in the bush. He held it underneath my neck and pressed it against it. My breath hitched. The adrenaline rushed through my body. He smiled and lowered my gun. “Wouldn’t you be good for breeding… yeah.” Breeding? No. My body finally moved and ran. Only to be tripped by his foot. Fuck! I turned over onto my back. He stepped onto my chest and pushed down. It hurts. I groaned out in pain. The guy turned slightly red. Please don’t tell me that he’s turned on. He moved his foot and tied my hand and feet together. What the hell?! He picked up the guns and left. He’s leaving me here! Tied up! I bit at the rope or is it cuffs? I heard crunching. I was picked up and thrown over his shoulder.

I tried to kick but my feet were tied up. Fuck! He’s going to kill me. We are already at his house?! What the actual fuck!? We passed a room with a table with straps. He’s going to cut me up and kill me. Why does the world hate me? We went into a room with a cell. He dropped me down hard. I winced in pain. He untied me and locked the door. “I’ll be back, pretty thing.” He left. Why does he keep on calling me “pretty thing”? I heard rustling in the corner in the cell. I’m not alone. I looked back to see a scrawny guy. He looks fucking insane. He was already in front of me. I scooted back into a corner.

“What’s wrong Doll?~”

“W-What did y-you call me?…” He got closer. Close enough to touch me. His breath smelled like decay and rotting flesh. He touched my sides and tried to take my clothes off. I struggled to keep them on. “You have such smooth, beautiful skin… your eyes are like crystals… your hair is so fluffy and silky… your body has such curves… like a doll.~” He said it in a creepy voice. Almost with lust and pleasure. The guy who brought me here came back. He picked me up and locked the cell down. This guy gave me a room? It’s clean. Untouched. He left and closed the door. I turned the handle and he had locked it. I sat on the bed and laid down. What am I going to do?

Total of words 872, this one feels more of a fanfic don't it? If it was a fanfic. I would read it. This will have alternative endings. - Alaphi

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