Killings In Room 293

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(warning: corpse, blood and gore, blades, kidnapping?)

I have to check in. I don't know why I picked a sketchy ass hotel. I parked my BMW and locked it. My bag was over my shoulder. I walked into the lobby. It was dusty. Mold stuck to the walls. cobwebs on the corners. The lady at the front desk was reading a magazine. The magazine was about feminine hygiene for young women. I bet she's new here or that she's young. The magazine was covering her face. I went up and rang the bell on the counter. The magazine closed and there sat an old lady. Well I would say old but she looks like a middle aged woman. Young too. The name tag said "Tabatha".

"I'm here to check in."

"Ah yes, name?"

"Jason Larsen."

"Room 293." She handed me a key. I nodded my thanks and went up the stairs. My room is on the second floor. Probably at the end of the hall. When I got there my room wasn't there. It was room 294. What the fuck? Was I given the wrong key and room? I went back down stairs to talk to Tabatha. "Hey, are you sure you gave me the right room-" She wasn't at the counter. She's nowhere. The magazine was marked and was on the chair. Did she leave? I shrugged it off and went back up the stairs. Back to my non-existent room I guess. When I got to the second floor I had a feeling. This feeling was telling me to leave. Again I shrugged it off like always. I'm just paranoid. I'm fine.

At the end of the hall where room 294 is. It's gone. Room 293 is there. I must have been hallucinating. I'm just tired. I should sleep. I unlocked the room and entered. I couldn't believe my eyes. There was blood. On the bed and on the walls. The blood trail lends to the bathroom. I went over to the bathroom and looked in. Tabatha was dead. Her chest was cut open. The organs are gone and around her. Her face was carved out. The blood had pooled beneath her. Her neck was split open. Who did this?! I felt breathing down my neck. My hair stood up. I turned around and backed up. There stood a man. He was wearing a mask, a hoodie and sweatpants. All black. I couldn't see his face. My back hit the wall behind me.

Fuck! I'm going to die! I should have listened to mom! The guy stepped closer. He had a knife in his right hand. It was all bloody. I blinked and he was in front of me. He's taller than me. This is bad. The knife was near my throat. Instead of cutting my throat he cut my shoulder. The next thing I knew everything went black.

(Officer Danny's POV)
It's 8 in the morning and the hotel in town had a murder. The receptionist and a resident. Well the resident wasn't found. The girl was brutally murdered. This is a new technique.

"What do we have Jess?"

"The girl's name is Tabatha Shaith, and the boy's name is Jason Larsen." I sighed and looked around the crime scene. No trace of the boy. I checked where we found the girl. There was a note.

The last Victim I'm keeping alive. He's mine. He won't be able to escape me. He'll love me. I'll make him love me. As long as I have him I won't kill. Beware of this. If he's taken from me, this town will see hell. - (unreadable)

What am I going to do? The name is smudged and unreadable. What am I going to tell this boy's parents?

Total of words 651, let me know if you want a pt 2 of this. What happened to Jason? Who is this mystery guy? - Alaphi

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