Chapter 5: The Dazzlings' Defeat

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The Dazzlings have fallen hard amid a few last dissipating wisps of negative green energy. The sky has returned to its normal nocturnal hue. They rub their heads. The Dazzlings' wings, clothing sparkles, and pony ears/tails are gone. The remains of their red jewels lie before them, still glowing feebly—but only for a moment. As the last glimmers of light fade away from the broken baubles, Adagio is first to regard hers with a popeyed stare; she scoops up those shards and hastily gets to her feet. Up come Aria and Sonata as well, all three glaring toward the crowd, and they take a deep breath to sing again—but this time, not a single one of them is in any recognizable key. "We will be adored, tell us that you want us... We won't be ignored, it's time for our reward... The sudden loss of their mesmerizing vocal ability throws a bucketful of sand into their mental machinery. The crowd is not amused.

The end of their second line is lost under a hearty round of booing, which is in turn followed by a barrage of thrown food items that sends the trio running for the wings. Sunset and the others walk over to the Dazzlings' stage. Sunset picks a broken gem to inspect it. Her pony ears and tail are gone, and she has put her jacket back on. "Guess that explains why these were so special to them," Sunset told. "Without those pendants and the magic you brought here from Equestria, they're just three harmless teenage girls," Twilight explained. "Rainbooms rule!" Flash Sentry races onto the stage and grabs Twilight up in a hug. "That was amazing!

Caught completely off guard, she glances toward her bandmates with the barest hint of a blush; they just giggle, and the purple and blue eyes turn toward each other for a long moment. A glance away, a blush on both cheeks—Trixie butts in to split the two maybe lovebirds apart. "You may have vanquished the Dazzlings, but you will never have the amazing, show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Just as she did backstage during the semifinals, she throws down something that explodes in a blast of pale blue smoke. When the view clears, all seven girls, five boys, and one dog are coughing out the last fumes, and Trixie is nowhere in sight. "She's gone!" Pinkie told. 

Then, she looks over to see Trixie caught in the process of climbing over the wall that runs behind the very back rows of seats. "Oh, there she is." Trixie loses her balance and tumbles over the edge, dropping out of sight. "Trixie's okay!" "You know, Twilight is going back to Equestria soon. The Rainbooms could really use someone to help Fluttershy on backup vocals," Rainbow Dash remarked. Sunset picks up a nearby guitar, shredding it. "I also play guitar." Everyone except Sunset is shocked. "...We'll see." 

Just Getting Started (A Big Time Rush x My Little Pony: Equestria Girls AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora