Chapter 4: We Need Help!

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A mic rolls to a stop at Sunset's foot. She picks it up, regarding the device as if it were a hand grenade with the pin pulled out, then huddles herself slightly over it. As the Dazzlings advance slightly from the stage, mouths set in truly frightening grins of impending triumph, Twilight looks in Sunset's direction. "Sunset Shimmer, we need you!" The red/gold-haired girl's face broadcasts the titanic struggle that rages through her mind at this request. It ends with the brows drawing down over the blue-green eyes in steely determination. Twilight and company still crumpled on the hilltop as her boots step to the fore. Microphone in one hand, Sunset shucks off and throws aside her jacket with the other. A studded bracelet encircles each wrist, and her upper-body garment is now fully exposed as a sleeveless top. As the wind blows through her hair, DJ P0N-3 works her turntable controls and starts a record spinning, bringing the front-end equalizer panel back to life. 

"Don't even hesitate, just let it escalate... I want to see you go, woah! Break through the ceiling now, it's time to hit the clouds, and now we ain't coming down!" Sunset sang proudly. Suddenly, The guys and Twilight get a boost of energy. Sunset helps each of them up. "Whoa, whoa..." "Whoa, whoa..." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..." "Whoa, whoa... Oh, oh, oh.." "Whoa, woah..." Pinkie sits upright at her kit, the others stand up, and all start to play. The specters rush toward the band. A ball of white light appears behind the six singers and grows in intensity, with a secondary focus on the free hands that they lift over their heads and touch together. A pastel-rainbow shock wave tears outward from the group, hurling the spectral Sirens away and nailing the real ones dead on. Its passage shakes the students out of their daze and rattles Adagio so severely that the infernal red glow fades from her eyes. 

"Elevate a little higher! Let's throw a party in the sky and celebrate! Elevate until we fly, yeah! Move, move your feet until you levitate, come on, let's elevate!" "Elevate!..." "Elevate!..." Now Sunset finds herself slowly floating free of the ground, yellow light and sparkles blazing around every inch of her form. Two yellow-orange pony ears emerge from within the wild tumble of hair. One midair pirouette later, the locks reaching down her back have elongated into a tail secured by a studded band that matches her bracelets. The energy surrounding her surges in a wave of red/yellow sunbursts to fully reveal the transformed Sunset—sparkles on her clothing and boots and a large sunburst on her skirt. Her face displays a smirk, but it is one of confidence rather than malice.

"Elevate a little higher! Let's throw a party in the sky and celebrate! Elevate until we fly, yeah! Move, move your feet until you levitate, come on, let's elevate!" The others rise behind Sunset, each wreathed in a glow of her own; Pinkie's drum kit stays on the ground. A new rainbow flashes upward from them and into the sky, but this one has seven colors rather than six once a vivid scarlet streak rises in the middle due to Sunset's involvement. The beam pours into a bank of gray clouds swirling overhead, disintegrating to reveal a gigantic, white-glowing sphere unfurling a pair of translucent blue-white wings. Students all over the place start to get down on it. "Elevate a little higher! Let's throw a party in the sky and celebrate! Elevate until we fly, yeah! Move, move your feet until you levitate, come on, let's elevate!"

The Dazzlings glower down at them, the red light gone from all three pairs of eyes, then glance upward with real fear. What the band has unleashed is a colossal winged unicorn whose body seems to glitter with stardust from one end to the other. Its streaming mane/tail display all the colors of the rainbow that formed it, and its eyes and the tip of its horn burn purest white. This apparition stands at least three times as tall and broad as those the Dazzlings conjure. "Elevate!..." "Elevate!..." "We're on another level tonight, let's, let's, let's celebrate! Elevate..." Here comes the pitch: a wide beam that angles downward to strike both high and low. The ghostly Sirens crack and shatter into fragments, and so do their gems. 

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