Valentine (Final)

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Zee and I both looked confused, we didn't know what to do, finally I went out the door to go to the car, when I looked back at Zee he raised his hand from behind the door his father had closed and whispered with his mouth. “See you…”

I walked nervously to the car as the door closed behind me, the air was cool and the sky was cloudy.

My mother was waiting for me in the car, I opened the door and sat down. "Mom?"

"Hello my baby." She said, putting her hand on my face, and we hugged each other.

"Can you tell me what it is? Where are we going?"

My mother started the car and we drove away from the garden where the house was.

"We're going to the residence, son, it's just you and me... We have something to talk about."

I could barely say okay, but I couldn't figure out the reason for this sudden arrival.

They couldn't have noticed us, could they?

As I watched outside the car, I kept asking myself thousands of unanswered questions in my mind.

We entered our residence, went to the living room, sat in the couch. I was watching my mother, looking at her with eyes begging her to say something.

She must have understood that when she began to speak.

"NuNew, how do you feel about Zee?"

I didn't know what to feel when I heard what my mother said, I was both surprised and seemed to be waiting for this question.

How could she have known?


I looked at her face without saying anything, it was as if I could not speak.

"I'm not asking what's wrong with you, NuNew, because I'm just curious about your feelings for him, do you love him or is it just a casual thing?"

"Mom.. Where did that come from?"

"Fenhua had a camera system settled on the first floor of the forest house, to keep it safe in case of any theft, until we were fully settled.."

All of a sudden, what we did last night came to life in my mind..

Had they seen it all?

We kissed..
We hugged..
We touched..

Zee's father knew too, so they both knew..

With the thought that came to my mind, I looked at my mother with concern.

"Mom, Fenhua wouldn't do anything to Zee, would he?"

After all, my mother knew him better.

"No, of course, son, does something like that ever happen?"

I started shaking my leg involuntarily.

"Son, my purpose is not to make you nervous.. Calm down.. Believe me, Fenhua and I couldn't believe what we saw yesterday, am I not right to ask you?"

"You're right mom, you're right but... But have you seen everything?" I said shyly bored.

"No, I mean, we got a notification on our phone that night, that the electricity in the house was turned on. Then we turned on the camera and saw that you were only kissing each other and turned it off. Even though you are my son, you also have a private life and I don't want to be forced into it..."

Unexpected//ZeeNunewWhere stories live. Discover now