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Hi my name is Kang y/n

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Hi my name is Kang y/n . I am 19 years old University student . My majors are biology and computers , to be honest I am worst at computers . I am quite intelligent and topper also . I am sweet and cute by personality I am an extrovert and can easily make friends . I used to live away from my family for study purpose .

A/N :
She is the most beautiful girl of the university and everyone loves her personality.

Y/N : oh come on ...I am shy

A/N : Shut up and let's start the story ( I swear it won't be boring )


Currently it 9 am and our y/n is still sleeping suddenly the alarm buzz

Y/n pov :
I studied late yesterday night due to my biology assignment .I love biology but I super hate computers . Although they both are my major anyways now I get realising I am late for university 🤧. I quickly wash up and wear this

I am a tomboy but sometimes I do wear dresses

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I am a tomboy but sometimes I do wear dresses .

( Time skip )
Y/N pov:
Currently I am in university and waiting for my biology class but the teacher came and announce something .

Teacher : Students pay attention . There is new transferred student in our university so I want all of you to treat him well

Lili (y/n's bestfriend ) : I wonder who is he 🤔

Y/n : ( Reading her book ) Who cares

(Then a boy enter in the class . Everyone gasp as he was so handsome )

 Everyone gasp as he was so handsome )

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Girl 1 : omg he is so good looking

Girl 2 : whatever I am gonna make him mine

( The boy was looking at everyone but suddenly his eyes got stuck at one person and that was y/n )

??: Who is she . She is so pretty man that damm dress suits her so much much .

Teacher : please give your intro

?? : hi everyone I am jungkook . I hope you treat me well .

Y/n : ( looked up at him ) Oooo He is good looking .

Teacher : Go and sit with y/n since she is the class president .

Soobin : Seriously I am trying sit beside y/n since my whole life and this man
( Soobin really like y/n and sometimes also flirt with her 😂😂 but in a healthy way he is a good friend of y/n too )

( Jungkook went sit beside y/n )

Y/n : omg he is so hot what I am gonna do

Jungkook : did you said something

Y/n : No nothing

Y/n : okay I am Kang y/n .

Jungkook : and I am Jeon jungkook

Y/n : yeah I know( smiling ). You just introduce yourself . By the way can we be friends

Jungkook : ( smirk ) okay but you'll regret my friendship

Y/n : you said something

Jungkook : No nothing lets be friends

Jungkook pov
Well who knows what gonna happen to you soon ....I was staring at her she is so damm cute ...ahh I am already obsessed with her


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