Who's child is that?

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At night time.

Tapasya entered his room, she was glamed up tonight, he was there.. Sitting on the edge of the bed with Khushi.

"Yes I promise."Khushi agreed to something.

"This child is my heir.. Rathore Family sole heir. "

Tapasya couldn't believe her ears, what is he saying?! Khushi is pregnant with Rathore's child?

She went to him and shouted at him.


"MINE" He replied calmly.

Tears are falling down from her eyes, anger is rising high, she clutched his collar. "HOW COULD YOU LIE TO ME! YOU'RE LYING THAT CHILD CAN'T BE YOURS!"

Rathore stayed silent, Tapasya let him go and switch to Khushi, begging Khushi for an answer..

Raghu was bit tensed that Tapasya might harm Khushi.

"HE IS LYING RIGHT?" Tapasya asked hold Khushi's hands, begging her..

Khushi looked away feeling bad for Tapasya..

Tapasya broke down crying, "I.. I waited all these years just for your single glance.. I .. I waited Rathore.. You chose someone else why.. Why?"

Khushi felt afraid that Tapasya might blame her..

He looked nonchalantly and answered, "Because you was forced upon me.. I never told you to wait, it was you did all along.. You lied that I raped you, you know what.. Even if was sentence by a court for raping you, it would be just 7 years at most, but I suffered 10 long years with you.. Most cruel punishment I got for nothing.. This my revenge Tapasya, you wanted to bear my child didn't you... It won't happen in this lifetime!"

Tapasya looked at him in horror, then glanced at Khushi's stomach with envy.. She reach out to touch Khushi's stomach. "This is not punishment Raghu.. This child a gift.. Even if he is not born from my own womb, as long he is yours.. I will love him nevertheless.."

Her words made an impact on Rathore’s heart, what does she mean?

"You will never understand how deep are my feelings for you.. I love you that much that I couldn't hate you for anything.. Even if you kill me.. I would still love you.." She said sincerely and hugged Khushi, "Congratulations on becoming a mother. You got a blessing that I have longed for years.. I will protect you and this baby with my life, I promise."

Tapasya kissed Khushi’s forehead with loving smile.

She left with tears, sharing her husband with Another woman is painful..


Khushi felt disturb to know that Tapasya tricked Rathore to marry him, accusing him of raping her was totally wrong  no wonder he hates her that much.

"Jiji, why did you do that?" Khushi asked Tapasya.

"What do you mean by that?" Tapasya asked her back.

"How could you accused him? Why jiji? I don't understand.." Khushi asked.

Tapasya smiled sadly," Love makes is crazy Khushi.. Once fallen there is no turning back.. I made a grave mistake, and I know it. Back then I didn’t think of a consequences.. I wanted to bind him to myself by any means.. And now I'm regret it, I wish I could just turn back the time.." She choke in tears, "I'm bold and strong but when it's about him I became an emotional fool,I can’t control it Khushi..."

"Jiji.. Why don't you just let him go... If he really made for you.. Believe me he would return." She advised.

Tapasya shook her head,"I can't understand one thing Khushi.. How can you say all these stuff when you're married to him and carrying his child."

Khushi gulped, Tapasya is no fool indeed.

"JIJI, because I care for both of you. You and him are both important to me.. If he meant for me, there is no one can take him away from me." Khushi explained.

"I'm not you Khushi.. Letting go of your rights is stupid thing to do. I will live and will die as wife no matter what.. I swear.." Tapasya is determined.

Khushi felt like Tapasya is reminding her of someone.. Of ASR, giving up on her rights? Like she gave up her place in shantivan once he decided to cast her away..

She didn't put up a fight against him, she didn’t shook him up by holding his collar, and question his intentions..

Fight for her child's place in his father's life..

Khushi felt dizzy thinking of it, why was she so weak back then.. Even now when the culprit walking around her without a single guilt in his heart for abandoning her and her child.

She fainted..

"KHUSHI!!!"Tapasya immediately held her before she could fall down, "Raghu!" she called for help..

When he entered the room he shocked to see unconscious who barely layed on the bed, he hesitant even touch her.. He is anxious as he saw Tapasya, "What did you do to her?!"

Tapasya looked at him with wide eyes, "No..Raghu I didn't do anything.."

Rathore gritted his teeth,"GET OUT!".

"Raghu listen.. We should call the doctor, the child.." She suggested with worry.

"Don’t act like you care! GET OUT!" Rathore roared, Tapasya rushed off.

Rathore looked at his hands, there is no improvement at all, his trauma is still there haunting even when he needs to help her..

He had no choice but to call Arnav for help and then about to call the doctor.

Raghu looked outside Tapasya already in call with a doctor, she pleading to the doctor to come faster..

He sighed, sometimes he can't tell whether she is acting or being real.

She stands outside biting her nail, anxious for Khushi and her baby..


When doctor reached home, Buaji and Garima woke up they were shocked seeing Khushi's state.

Rathore still blames Tapasya, commanded her to go back to her room and stop acting.

Tapasya felt hurt by words, she went back with tears.

Doctor examined Khush told them nothing is serious, she advised to not stress Khushi too much and she need rest and care.

Arnav felt guilty not being there for her when she is needing him the most.. Rathore felt useless as he watch Arnav touching Khushi so easily..

He can't let Tapasya know of his trauma by which means, if it were known.. Then she would find out that this child that Khushi is carrying also not his.

He also cannot let her find out the relationship between Arnav and Khushi,  he need to find a way to get her away from him.. She seriously needs to move on.

Once Khushi's child is born, he planned to explain everything to Arnav and Khushi and then handover all the properties Rathore owns to them as guardian of the future heir.

Then he will find a way end everything.. Including his own life.. Living like this is meaningless after all.

He was nothing but an experimental product created to fulfill the traditional.. There were no feelings included..

If only there is someone actually love him for who is..

"It's also good there is no one like that, or else.. It might be too difficult to leave.." He thought as he left the room.

Arnav took care of Khushi all night, he hold her hands feelings worry for her. "Khushi, please don't make me worry dammit." It's hurt to see her fragile frame laying there weakly..

If only he hadn't abandoned her at alter.. Their own little world would still been intacted..



COMING UP- It's not working

Here you go double update in short, sorry for any grammar mistakes. My work load is getting crazy, I'm working 15hours a day now.. Please comment let me know what you think of this story sofar. Please wait till I get time to update again  tq.

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