In Another Life

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Her eyes burst open as she gasped for air, surprised to learn that she didn't need any.

"Bonnie." Her head snapped to the sound to find that Damon was by her side.

"Damon." Bonnie tried standing up, but Damon eased her back down onto the bed.

"Bon take it easy." Damon said wiping the hair out of her face. That's when Bonnie realized she was lying on Damon's bed and not in the barn.

"Wait, what happened? Where are the heretics? Is everyone ok?" Bonnie had gotten up, and Damon knew he wasn't gonna be able to get her to lay down again.

"Yeah, well the slaughter was kept to a minimum. But the rest of the gang is fine." Damon said with a bout of sadness in his eyes.

"The rest? Damon what's wrong?" Bonnie said touching his shoulder.

Damon fought to put a smile on his face now as he grabbed Bonnie's hand, and intertwined his fingers with hers.

"Bon, what you did today was amazing. I never seen anything like it."

"What did I do?" Bonnie said with caution, Damon had yet to answer her question.

"You don't remember?"

"No everything just kinda blurred together. And do you have some water I'm like really thirsty."

"Bonnie you flew into the air and did some awesome witchy voodoo and you literally turned all the heretics to dust."

"What I flew? That's impossible I can't fly." Bonnie asked in disbelief she was sure Damon was bullshitting her.

"Well today you could."

"Your telling me I could fly like Superman!"

"More like float, you know kinda like Storm does whenever she's you know, storming."

"Well that verifies it I'm a badass. Now what happened next?"

"Badass Bonnie Bennett I'll never doubt you again." Damon said looking away trying to avoid the real question.

"Damon, what happened next?" Bonnie said zeroing in on him and she realized his eyes were glistening.


"What?!" Bonnie backed away instantaneously as Damon fought to keep himself together.

"My moth- Lily drove a stake through your heart, once you killed her "family"." Damon couldn't bring himself to call her his mother, Bonnie had let go of his hand as a tear began to fall down her face.

"Are you telling me I'm a vampire?" Bonnie said trying to regain her composure but failing as she realized she had become the very thing she despised.

"No you're in transition."

"How? Why?" Bonnie began to cry hysterically she would never be a witch again.

"Stefan had just fed you his blood and mine was still in your system when Lily killed you. Bonnie I am so sorry, so is Stefan. I know you never wanted this life. Which is why your gonna take the cure." Damon finalized as he brought himself to smile again.

"Damon no, your gonna take it so that you can go be with Elena."

"Yeah but somehow I figure this is more important." Bonnie looked at him in awe.

"How is this more important, than spending the rest of a human life with Elena, the love of your life." Bonnie asked not understanding at all.

"Well I want my best friend to be able to live out the rest of her life without hating herself everyday. And this would have never happened if I didn't have unresolved Mommy issues." Damon attempted to joke.

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