He Had To Know The Pain Was Beating On Me Like A Drum

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"They're literally cuddling together." The second person said in disbelief. "They're really going to say that they don't like each other?"

"I know, it's ridiculous. It's not even her, it's him being a baby."

The other person made a sound of agreement. "I don't get why he won't just admit that."

"He's scared she'll say 'ew' to him."

The second person started laughing. The first person tried to shush them, but the person was laughing to hard.

"Averman, shut up!" The person hissed.

"I'm sorry, Jesse, I just-that's funny."

I shifted, pulling Allison closer to me, and the talking and laughing stopped. I kept my eyes closed though, and listened as they started talking again.

"I told you to shut up."

"I know, I just..."

I didn't hear anything else that was said, because I faded back into sleep.


Allison Moreau was shaking.

We were getting ready for the Iceland game, and everyone was a nervous mess.

"All right, who's ready for warm ups?" Coach asked as he walked into the locker room.

I glanced behind me, and my eyes widened when I saw Bombay. His hair was slicked back and he was wearing a nice suit and tie. He looked strange.

"Hey, nice jacket, did you get two pairs of pants with that?" Averman taunted him.

I shook my head chuckling, watching as Dean and Fulton said something to him, both with cold looks on their faces. Averman walked up to him, and started messing with him again, but Coach was not amused. I finished up tying Allison's skate's, before moving on to tying mine.

"Live from Los Angeles, welcome to the Junior Goodwill Games." Averman said into a fake microphone as I held up a fake camera. "Tonight's match up, Team U.S.A. faces off against Iceland."


"We have with us Greg Goldberg, Goaltender for Team U.S.A. Greg, what is it gonna take to beat these feisty Icelanders tonight?"

"I think it'll take a supreme individual effort by me, Greg Goldberg."

The whistle blew, making us all look over at them. "Let's play hockey, gentlemen."

"Okay, cut it."

Averman and I skated over to the bench, and I could feel knots in my stomach. I grabbed Allison's hand, seeing she was nervous too. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Hi, everybody. Welcome to today's game. A very important match up, Team U.S.A. against Iceland. In what could be a preview of the championship game. Iceland coached by Wolf "The Dentist" Stansson. He'll be taking on Gordon Bombay."

I jumped out on the ice, and heard Stansson call, "Good luck 28!"

Allison and I glanced at him confused, then looked at Bombay, who watched Stansson with unreadable eyes. Allison took the face off, and the Iceland player spoke in Icelandic, making her confused. "What does that mean?"

He smirked and said, "You'll find out."

The puck dropped, and Portman skated forward, knocking into him, which ended up with him getting thrown out.

"You can't do that!" Coach yelled. "It's three seconds into the game!"

We continued to play, and I groaned as Iceland scored. I got the puck, and I passed it to Dwayne, who started showing off.

"Dwayne, pass it to Fulton!" I yelled.

"Dwayne, pass it to me, I'm open!"

Dwayne ended up getting checked by to players, making me curse. Goldberg saved it, and Adam got the puck, but got flipped over. Luis took it, and he started skating, but he ended up getting tripped, making him knock the boards.

"Come on, ref, call something." I heard him snap.

Kenny came out onto the ice, getting ready to show off one of his figure skating moves, but he got checked, and since he was so small, he ended going halfway across the ice.


I watched as Allison skated over to Coach and he looked exasperated as he spoke. "Look, I need you to do something to get us back in the game, alright. Do something, anything."

She nodded, and headed back out. She got the puck, and skated towards the goal, she swung her stick back, ready to hit it, but an Iceland player grabbed her stick, and shoved her forward. Her helmet flew off and his stick smacked her mouth, making her yell out in pain.

I quickly skated up to her, rolling her over as she curled herself into a ball.

"Allison, are you okay? Oh, shit."

I got her to uncurl herself and I felt sick at the amount of blood coming from her mouth. She blearily opened her eyes and looked at me. She tried to mumble something, but whimpered in pain. There was bruises forming on and around her mouth, and I grimaced as she stood up.

Gasps rang out through the rink, and Allison skated over to grab her helmet, but ended up falling over when she tried to grab it. I glanced at Number 12 on Iceland, and he was smirking widely.

I skated over and shoved him, and he turned around and shoved me back. The red separated us, and I got thrown in the penalty box for 'roughhousing' and Number 12 got thrown out for 'intent of injury'.

Allison skated over to the bench, but Bombay waved her off, telling her to wipe off her mouth and go back in.

"Are you kidding!?" I demanded from the box, yet no one paid my any mind.

Allison took the face off, and passed it to Adam, which did nothing good because Iceland scored anyway.

"Oh, great defense Allison. Real great." Goldberg snapped when she failed to keep Iceland away from the net.

Julie skated out, and I watched as Julie got harassed by two Iceland players. I smiled when she pushed them down, getting thrown out. I wasn't happy that she got thrown out, but Julie was something else.

Fulton was put into the game, and did his shot, but it ended up getting caught. Adam took the face off, passing it to Allison, who took off down the ice. She drew back and managed to score, making everyone cheer. She rested her stick on the net, sticking her hand straight out. I wanted to congratulate her, but couldn't because I was in the box. I watched as an Iceland player smashed his stick against her wrist.

"Allison!" I yelled.

I watched she took her glove off, moving her hand around. I looked at the guy next to me and saw Dean trying to climb into the penalty box.

The score of the game ended being 1-12 and I can tell you right now, that it was not in our favor.

BETTER THAN REVENGE // THE MIGHTY DUCKS TWOWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu