I Do

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Tom was standing at the altar with his best man, Rabastan, and Lucius as the officiant. The guests were now seated, which comprised of Narcissa, her sister Bellatrix and her husband Rodolphus, their Slytherin friends Barty Crouch Jr and Evan Rosier, as well as Tom's inner circle Death Eaters and their families. 

Tom was looking towards the garden, waiting anxiously for Regulus to bring his soon-to-be-husband to walk down the aisle. Lucius waves his wand and music starts to play. Looking towards the nearby fountain, Tom's eyes light up as he sees Severus walking around it. 

Severus was wearing a long, white, high-neck a-line wedding dress with long sleeves made of lace. His hair had two braids going around his temple and the rest of his hair was in his natural curls. He was also wearing a gold crown as a nod to Tom's nickname for him. To add more of a Severus touch, he also had a lace hooded cape with a long train. Underneath the dress, he was wearing white boots. He was holding a big bouquet of flowers down at his stomach. 

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Tom was completely awestruck at the sight, Rabastan next to him not much better

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Tom was completely awestruck at the sight, Rabastan next to him not much better. Regulus was walking in front of Severus, wearing white robes and a small crown. He was carrying a smaller version of Severus' bouquet. Maybe another wedding wouldn't be so bad afterall. 

As Severus starts walking down the aisle, the guests stand from their seats. Severus and Tom can't stop smiling at each other. Regulus takes his place and Severus stands in front of Tom. 

Tom whispers, "Wow. You look...wow". 

Severus laughs quietly, "Thank you, love". 

Tom blushes as Lucius announces, "You may all be seated". All the guests sit back down and he smiles, "We are gathered here today to finally celebrate the union between Severus Tobias Snape and Tom Marvolo Riddle. These two are some of my closest friends and I am so happy to see them finally be able to unify their love in front of friends and family. Tom and Severus met a little over 3 years ago. I introduced the two when Severus came to me with concerns about wanting to find somewhere where he belonged. From that day, the two were inseperable. They got bethrothed at the beginning of last year, a memory which helped Severus finally produce his patronus. The couple have decided to write their own vows, which they will now share". He nods towards his best friend, "Severus?". 

Severus smiles and hands his bouquet to Regulus. He turns back and takes Tom's hands. 

"Tom. When we met, I was in the lowest place in my life. I was constantly bullied and ridiculed by almost everyone at school and felt as if there was no place in this world for me. I am incredibly lucky to have a best friend like Lucius, who invited me to the manor for a Death Eater meeting. I vivdly remember you taking me aside afterwards and told me you were immediately intruiged by me. I continued to come back when Lucius invited me and I quickly climbed the ranks. I became your confidant, where you basically forced me to admit I had feelings for you". 

The guests laugh and Tom covers his face with one hand, "It worked didn't it?". 

He smiles and nods, "Yes it did. You gave me a chance and, for the first time in my life, I felt like I belonged somewhere. You proved to me everyday how much you loved me and always reminded me that I deserved the very best. Regulus would always called me spoiled, but I didn't mind one bit. I love you more than anything in the world, although...". He looks at Narcissa, "...I think our new godchild will soon take over that spot". He turns back to Tom, "I promise to love and care for you always. I promise to stand by your side no matter what, my lord". 

The guests applause and Tom tries to hold back his tears. 

Lucius turns to him, "Tom?". 

He shakes his head, "Severus. My Prince of Darkness. When Lucius came to be asking to bring someone to the meeting, I was a little hesitant. But he convinced me and told me how you were an incredibly smart Slytherin with a very special talent in potions. Seeing you walk into the meeting room, I was immediatley intruiged by you. There was something about you that made you irresistible and I couldn't stop thinking about you. I was very happy when you continued to come to the meetings and swore your loyalty to me and our cause. When you admitted your feelings for me, I was above the moon. Someone had finally seen past the mask and loved me for who I really was. I am the Dark Lord. I am Voldermort. I am someone who many think has no ability to love and care for others. Something Dumbledore planted in the minds of the wizarding world. But we proved them wrong. You were able to warm the heart of a seemingly heartless man. I will always love and support you, and I promise to give you the life you deserve". 

Everyone claps and Severus places his hand over his mouth, attempting to also hold back his tears. Despite what people think, they were a very emotional couple. 

Lucius gestured to Regulus and Rabastan, who handed the couple their rings. Tom places the ring on Severus' hand and gives it a kiss. Severus blushes and does the same. 

Lucius nods, "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you...". He smirks, "...husband and wife. You may kiss the bride". 

Severus smiles and glares, "I hate you". 

Tom laughs and pulls Severus in for a kiss. The guests stand and clap for the newly married couple, there was not a dry eye amongst the lot of them. 

Finally, things were perfect for them. 



YES! They are finally married. There is one more chapter for the epilouge before I complete this book. Thank you all so much for your continued support and I hope you liked it. 

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