"Oh? You don't know me?"

His voice was no longer in front of you, but he was next to you, grasping your hair hard and yanking it back so you could face him in the eyes.

"Are you telling me that the great Jiu Yuzhou has amnesia and is terrified of simple shadows?!"

He purred mockingly before bursting out the most terrifying laugh anybody had ever heard.

'Jiu Yuzhou, the invincible and unbeatable Jiu Yuzhou, the void who serves under Heaven and Hell, stuttering only because she was kidnapped?!' He thought.

Don't make this simian laugh!

You can still make out a few details from this guy's look, even if your eyes are hazy from your tears and sweat. He resembles the Monkey King in appearance, but not quite identically. He has tan hair around some areas and dark fur all over his body, including his tail. His golden eyes are marked in crimson fur, and his black eyebrows are bushy.

Resembles the Monkey King in appearance... That means...

Oh no.

This is the Six-eared Macaque. 

The monkey that can manipulate shadows, an old friend of Sun Wukong and Jiu Yuzhou, and a formidable foe.

When you were younger, Yuzhou warned you about him.

She would frequently tell tales about him. However her story has two different versions. He portrayed the villain in one and the good guy in the other.

Your eyes widened in realization, "What do you want from me?!"

However, he tightened his hold on your hair even more, yanking you away from him as he growled.

He scoffed, "You are so foolish. Don't tell me you're becoming weaker, Red Fox."

When you heard that name, which you had only ever heard once or twice in your life, you faintly gasped.

Red Fox.

Jiu Yuzhou's old hero name, much like Sun Wukong's was Monkey King. Nobody, not even you, was ever permitted to use that name again by Jiu Yuzhou.

This man had the nerve to say it aloud in front of you, the Jiu Wei Hu's granddaughter!

"Take her name out of your mouth!!" You shouted. You got a hold of his arm, which was gripping your hair, and twisted it around so that he was pinned to the ground.

"I'm going to ask you once more now. What do you want?!" You pushed Macaque's body down. He yelled out in despair at that, but he was able to use his portal to escape as he suddenly reappeared behind you and slammed you to the ground.

"Oh, you know. I plan to use you as a bait, Yuzhou. That's all."

He continued to press you down until he heard a satisfyingly loud crack on your shoulder, releasing a satisfied sigh.

"AAGH!! STOP IT!" You yelled in agony, feeling like you could no longer feel your arms.

Unfortunately, he continued to hurt you. He knelt down on the bleeding knees and applied gentle pressure (which hurt).

"So, you and Monkie Kid are friends, right?"

You choke out a response of 'N-No' as you taste something metallic on your lips.



Macaque hissed and stepped on your knees more forcefully. You can't help but to groan.

Till the Very End {MK X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now