the diamond of the first water

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12 years ago

Mama was screaming her lungs, she was standing holding on the pillar of the bed with the servants around her, that's the furthest inside the room we managed to get her. "It's not his choice to make, it's my child and my life." She yelled at the employee, I took Anthony outside.

"What do I do?" He asked me, he was shaking as was I.

"Nothing, you cannot possibly kill mama or the baby." I told him looking in his eyes.

"I cannot... can you come upstairs for a while with the kids?" He asked me and rubbed my back slightly. "And perhaps you ought to change clothes, you are filled with sweat... you'll get cold" he suggested looking at me, his gaze softened.

"I will, when this is over, I want to assist the physician... it will be a while until the time comes" I told him as we made our way to the living room,I snuck a peak of myself from a mirror, my hair were fallen barely supported to their previous ban, my skin was shining with sweat as mama was shrieking in pain. We opened the door and saw Daphne having Fran and Eloise in her arms singing to them trying to cover mother's loud cries. Benedict was sitting with Colin a bit further, their eyes fell on me, they were processing my uncared and sloppy appearance which was incredibly rare.

"How is mama, is the baby coming?" Daphne asked me, still embracing our youngest sisters.

"Not yet, therefore soon the infant will be released" I brought myself to lie to them. I approached the girls smiling and kissed Francesca's cheek. "I bet it will be girl, then we shall dominate the house"I chuckled playfully, my voice trembled a bit and then I stood up, I could tell Benedict was aware that I was hiding something.

"Yes I wish! I will read her stories" Eloise chuckled and I tugged some hair behind her ear as once again mama was heard and our smiles were deleted immediately. Daphne started singing again.

"I am going to keep company to mama" I told them and turned around to leave Anthony opened the door to me.

"I will come later to check on you" Anthony said and I nodded, he patted my shoulder as I left the room.



We returned home and all of us girls gathered in Daphne's room. I had already taken off my gown and wore something more comfortable as I helped myself to her room. Specifically, I was at her bed with Hyacinth who was helping me let my hair down. While the maids were helping Daphne out of her formal outfit as well.

"You absolutely sparkled sister!" Hyacinth commented and I flinched as she pulled my hair abruptly.

"Come now, I merely simpered and minced in a pretty dress like everyone else" Daphne smiled and blushed slightly.

"Not exactly like everyone else" Fran added as she was next to Eloise on the small couch Daphne had in her room.

"Oh I shall go and visit Penelope. Her presentation was anything but... what was it that the queen called you again?" Eloise noticed and she was right.

"Flawless I believe"I replied to her as Hyacinth had started brushing down my hair. She loved making braids and that's what she soon started doing.

"Or some such thing" Daphne added in excitement. "Trust, I was astonished. Her Majesty offered me out of two hundred ladies present, the most gracious remark" She spoke proudly, and she should be as we were of her.

"And now two hundred young ladies have a common adversary" Eloise blew the dream moment of Daphne and I sighed. "Wish you luck sister

"Come now El, don't be so dramatic..." I sighed with a smile as Fran called her name softly.

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