6 - Trunks vs Goten

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The Tournament was pretty fun in Goten's opinion, sure beating everyone was boring, but his Father and Mother cheered him on. The only sad part was Gohan wasn't there because Trunks's Dad broke the machine. 

“Final Match of the Junior Division, Trunks versus Goten!” The announcer screamed as both children walked out the building and walked up to the stadium, Goten walking with confidence while Trunks had his hands on his belt.

“Hey Goten let's add another bet” Trunks said as they walked up the stairs. “Sure what is it Trunks?” “If you win, I'll give you two more of my toys. If I win, you have to train with me for a week." Goten looked plainly at the bet, sure he doesn't like fighting much, but he can endure it and besides, he does want more toys.

“Kay” Goten said as both walked away from each other to their position on stage and turned to face each other and went into fighting positions. Trunks taken it from his father while Goten only learned from his mother but still wanted to impress his father lowered his body one hand in the air while one is near him at the floor

Goten heard some shocked gasp coming near the seats his family were in, but he didn't care. Goten looked at the announcer who had his mouth open out of surprise? Then looked excited like he got what he wanted.

Both children waited for one to strike first, but Trunks was never patient and ran at Goten 

Goten went on the defensive, blocking every kick and punch Trunks was throwing. Goten tried looking for an opening from Trunks but Trunks  was always strong on offense, but he barely always made sure to watch behind him

… That's it behind him Goten channeled a bit of his energy and left an afterimage clone of him while Goten quickly flew behind Trunks leaving the afterimage clone to disappear while Goten kicked Trunks in the back.

Trunks quickly flipped over and flew towards Goten but Goten rushed to Trunks delivering a punch to his face which now made Trunks go to the defense blocking Goten from any punches he was doing

Goten was already getting tired. Normally he only trains for exercise and to get out his excess energy, but now with Trunks he's starting to fall behind. Goten decided to get one more punch to Trunks face, and he jumped back when Trunks blocked it.

Both boys went back to position Goten breathing heavily while Trunks looked calm and normal “Come on Goten you can't be tired already” “No-” Goten let out some breaths before swallowing some saliva “way I'm still warming up” Goten tail flicked again while Goten narrowed his eyes at Trunks who was smiling and Goten won't lie this was fun, but he'd still prefer playing normal games that fight 

Both kids again rushed each other Goten this time wanted to use the last bit of energy he had to end the fight burst out his aura, which surprised Trunks as the adults said no energy blast, but they did say blast, so Trunks matched Goten with his own aura

Both children met blow after blow, kick after kick, all attacks creating a shockwave making the audience yearn for more despite the anomalies the children are doing 

Trunks ended up getting tired and decided to grab Goten from the back holding his legs and arms and pulled them letting Goten scream out of pain “Alright Goten I had fun, so you can surrender now, and I'll give you my toys after we get home” Goten didn't care he wanted to win because his father is there, so he broke a rule

Goten bursted with a golden aura, hair going upwards while also turning gold pushed Trunks away while flying to the stage staring at Trunks in the air, shocking the adults. Goten hair went back to its normal black and spiky look while Trunks looked excited “Okay Rule breaker I didn't think you had it in you to break a rule” Goten just flew at Trunks with a barrage of kick as Goten burst his aura on his legs giving it more force as Trunks started to take serious damage from Goten 

Trunks decided if Goten broke a rule, he also broke a rule and Trunks stretched his arms out with two yellow orbs surrounding his hands “Finish Buster” and Trunks shot an energy at Goten who flew out the way but almost hitting the audience, but Trunks managed to bend it upwards as it disappeared in the wind “That was risky Trunks” Goten said while his face puffed up 

“Well it turned out okay” Trunks said as he went back to his fighting position. Goten wanted to end as soon as possible, so he rushed towards Trunks and kicked him in the air as he rushed towards him. "Kame” Goten gave Trunks another kick but to his back “Hame” Goten cuffed his hands as a blue orb appeared “HA!” Goten yelled out as a blue energy beam shot out to the sky near Trunks, who dodged it barely.

Trunks ended up rushing Goten and grabbed his tail, which made Goten freeze and kicked him outside the arena, the crowd roar from the whole witness

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Trunks Briefs is the winner!” The announcer said as the crowd did on final cheer as Goten got up he was angry at Trunks, who looked apologetic “Sorry Goten” Trunks said as he scratched the back of his head “You broke a rule” Goten faced puffed up “Hey you went Super, so I got to grab your tail fair trade” Goten looked sad “Hey sorry to make it up to you, I'll let you get 5 of my toys still” Goten then cheered up “Okay” 

Goten was then escorted by the announcer, who said Trunks had to fight the World Champion Mr. Satan, but it took a few seconds before it ended.

Goten ran to his family as he saw Gohan and Videl there. He ran and jumped into his Big Brother arms while his Mother was rubbing his back and his Father was petting his head. 

“Good job son didn't know you can go Super so young” Goku said while Gohan laughed “If you think that's impressive, look at his arm throw Dad” Chichi was just laughing at their jokes “And Goten barely Trains yet you did so well against Trunks sweetie” Goten was beaming from the praise, but he was also tired, so he wrapped his tail against Gohan's arm and slept “Tired Buddy don't worry adult matches aren't soon” Gohan said as he held Goten close.

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