Meeting Dante And Axel

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☝️ Aria's room



Ugh! I hate waking up. Especially to that sound. It's so fucking annoying. I open my eyes and immediately close them because of the sun shining through the curtains. Fuck the sunlight. I open my eyes again slowly so my eyes can adjust.

Once my eyes are fully open I get up out of bed and head to the bathroom. I pee and then get the shower. I turn the hot water all the way up and leave the cold water off. Once I'm in my body relaxes the hot water. I look to my right to see my lavender shampoo, conditioner and body wash. How did he know?

I smile to myself and wash my hair. Once I'm out of the shower, I use my white fluffy towel and dry off. I get dressed into a white long sleeved crop top and a pair of light blue jeans with a couple rips in them. I pair that with my white Nikes.

After I was done getting dressed I looked at the time on my phone

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After I was done getting dressed I looked at the time on my phone. Weird how they still let me have it. 9:18 A.M.

I walk out of my bedroom to try and find the kitchen again. Once I did, I opened the fridge and took out the milk and climbed up on the counter to grab the box of Apple Jacks. People really don't give it a lot of credit like it's actually so good. I climb off the counter, I pour the cereal into the bowl and then the milk. I grab a spoon out of the drawer and turn around just for my soul to leave my body.

"AHH WTH WHO ARE YOU?" I ask trying to get my heart rate back to normal. There stood two men watching me. One looked amused and the other looked like he would rather be anywhere else.

The one that looked amused was the first to speak.

"I'm Dante, who are you?"

"Aria.. what are you doing here?"

"We should be asking you that since I live here. Last time I checked you didn't." The other guy said

" Actually, I do.. now that is. Wasn't by choice but you know whatever. And what's your name? "

" Axel" he said dismissively

" Okay. Nice to meet you" I say sweetly because I actually need friends here. As I was walking out Dante called out to me

" Oh and Aria, next time you need help getting something just ask. " Dante said with a grin trying not to laugh. I playfully roll my eyes at him.


"Why did you ask her who she was? Boss already told us everything about that girl.. well important stuff." Axel asks me

"Because, It'd be weird if I told her I already knew her name and birthday and all the legal stuff about her." I say to Axel

I watch as he rolls his eyes at my comment.

"She lives here now, your gonna have to get use to her." I say to him

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