Gang, Missing, and Rescue

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It's been two days since we all stayed with Ari. Two days since I've seen Ari. She's not been to school for the last two days. It's Thursday, she's completely missed Tuesday and Wednesday. It's okay the fourth day back and she's missed 2 of those days. Basically three since she isn't here today either. I'm actually kinda worried about her. I tried checking on her but no one answered. Her car and her mom's car hasn't been at her house so I don't even know where she is and I can't text her because I don't have her phone number.

And then it hit me, AVA!! Ava has her number. I quickly run upstairs to Ava's room. I pound on her door until she's stood there with her hair a mess and makeup everywhere. She looks like she hasn't slept for months. Weird!

I don't have time for this right now. "Phone now" I tell her in a demanding tone.

"N- fine" she hands me her phone

I quickly go to contacts and find Aria's name. Well.. weirdly. Why is her name My Bae Aria🤞🏻😘?

I smile at Ava and walk away, I hear her screaming at me to give it back and to turn around but I simply keep walking. I'm now at my bedroom door and it's finally silent again. So I go into my room with Ava's phone in hand and start texting Ari. I figured I'd try to text her on Ava's phone first just in case I did or said something. 'i don't think I did anything tho ' I think to myself. Ugh.. wtv let's get this started.

My Bae Aria🤞🏻😘

Hey, where are you? I've been wondering where you've been.. me and Nat have been worried.

Look, I don't know how girls text and I'm assuming they have nicknames for each other. So Aria would obviously be Ari and Natalie would be Nat and Ava is just... Ava. Stick with the three letter thing. God, it's been 15 minutes what's going on why hasn't she texted me? Just as I think that, I get a buzz from Ava's phone.

A, I can't talk for long. I'm in very big trouble right now and I thought no one would notice. Short story is Tuesday I woke up around 4 in the morning because I had a bad dream. So I decided to take a walk (stupid) anyway, about 10 minutes into the walk. Someone started chacing me and then kidnapped me. They obviously don't know what there doing because they didn't check me or anything. Just threw me in a room and starved me. They come in every once in awhile to see if I'm still here. One of them is very short like a teenager. Well not your brother because he's 6'4. How idk, anyway. There's 3 of them. All guys. I haven't seen there faces because they don't show me when they come in they wear mask, but all I know is something about my mother. I don't know what she did but please tell me she's ok. I need her to be okay, and idk what you need to do and idk if I'll make it out alive. But I'm scared and cold and hungry so if you could try to do something that would be great, I love you Ava! Ik we basically just met but you, Nat, Ethan and his friends are everything to me. 💋🥰 Love you! I have to go now. Ps. Try to asap bc idk when there coming. They usually come twice a day one at like 7 A. M. And then another at like 8 P. M.


This is Ethan. And I used my sisters to phone to text you. I've been so worried, but do you have any clue as to wear you are? And I'm sorry but I haven't seen or heard from your mother. No one's car is there. And when you get out of this because you are, don't EVER go on a morning walk or nigh walk ALONE!

First of all, don't tell me what to do Carter. And second, I think we're near water, and woods. I hear water all the time and it's always peaceful and birds are always chirping.

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