Hanging Out

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I haven't been able to get Ethan off my mind all day. It's like everywhere I go he's there. Every time I think it's always about him. I've seen him with a couple of girls and some boys. Girls keep throwing themselves at him and he just takes it.

I did find out that we have the same schedule except last. He doesn't have math twice. Instead he has History because.. he never goes. Which I found out 2 hours ago.

I did meet two girls, we all became friends. Natalie is 17 same age as me, I'm just 2 months older than her and the the other girl is Ava. She's 16 so she's in the grade below mine. She's cool though. Me and Nat have gotten really close in the past 2 and a half hours.

I haven't seen Ethan since first period. Well other than the beginning of third, he was talking to one of Jennifers friends. I think her name is Avery. I'm now in free period watching YouTube. If your wondering what I'm watching, I'm watching The Boys. If you don't know who they are you live under a rock and you should go watch them right now. There main group consists of Mully, Josh, Juicy (my favorite) Eddie, and Narrator. Narrator is the funniest to me, but Juicy is still the best to me. Anyway..

"Hey Ari" someone calls me from behind

I turn around to be met with Ethan and three other guys.

".. hi Ethan"

"These are my friends Jake, Josh and Aiden." He says while pointing to them.

I look at Jake first. Jet black hair with brown eyes. Sharp jaw line. They all look dangerous to me. But that's kinda exciting. I then look at Josh, Brown Eyes with Brown-ish hair. Looks scarier than the others. And lastly Aiden, dark brown hair with brown eyes sharp jawline. What is it with the sharp jawlines?

There all attractive, but I like Ethan more. He knows how to pick friends that's for sure.

"Hi" I say to all three of them

Aiden nods at me, Josh says "hi" and Jake just stares at me like he's trying to figure me out. Ha, good luck with that.

"Do you wanna hangout with us?" Ethan says after a little bit of time passes.

"Uh.. sure, but when?" I ask

"Now" all three of them say at the same time making them sound like robots. Which makes them all look at each other and laugh. Making me smile. The only one that didn't say anything was Jake. He didn't laugh or smile either. Huh.. looks like imma have to work hard on him.

"Wait.. like skip?" I ask

The same people all nod again making them look like robots again.

"I- I don't know, I've never skipped.. before." I say

"There's a first time for everything" Aiden says to me.

I smile lightly at him.

"Ugh, fine." I say

"YASSSSS" They all say making me laugh

"But first, we're getting food."

"Fine" they all say making me do a little happy dance which earns laughs from all of them. I smile widely at them all. Something tells me we're all gonna be close.


It's been 15 minutes and we just ordered McDonald's. I got 2 McChickens and a large fry. I don't know what the boys got cuz I wasn't paying attention to them. As soon as I seen my food I dug in.

Some girls are shy when it comes to eating which I don't understand because one we all have to eat why does it matter how we eat? And two, if they don't love or like you the way you are don't waste your time on them. It's simple really.

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