|Chapter Seventeen|

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"Love, love.  Please wake up," I'm dragged from my nightmare by Noah shaking me.  It's not gentle either, I feel the grip of his hands on my upper arms.  "You're alright now," Noah soothes, holding me to his chest.  It's still dark outside.

My heart is pounding in my chest while I try to get my bearings, it was another nightmare.  They had started when Noah went to jail, but I had hoped they would be gone by now.  He's home safe, so why was I still plagued by this?

"What are you dreaming about, pretty girl?"

I don't answer right away and I take a drink from the water bottle on the table beside me.  Noah watches me carefully while I collect my thoughts.

"I keep having dreams of Jackson crawling out of a grave and burying you alive," I say shakily, my hands are trembling.  "You and I are out somewhere, having fun, but he always finds us.  He's covered in blood and dirt.  He shackles your hands and feet and drags to all the way to the cemetery. You keep calling out for me, but he always throws you in the hole.  Your hands are still bound while he fills in the hole.  I always try to get there, but something keeps me weighed down and I can't get to you.  You yell for me the whole time, until you can't yell anymore.  Until you are gone."

"Pretty girl, he's gone.  He can't hurt me, and by law I can't be tried again.  The only thing we have to worry about now is keeping you out of jail, and your father already proved that you couldn't have done it either," he kisses my hair.

"I know," I say, "I know, I can't help feeling like I'm going to lose you."

"I'm not going anywhere, love," Noah kisses me reverently.  He shows me how much he cares about me every time his lips touch mine.  "Let me distract you," he purrs, biting my earlobe.

Noah looks so peaceful, sleeping while the sunlight hits his face. The covers are pushed down around his waist and I can see the faint planes of lean muscle.  I want to touch him, but I don't want to disturb him.

I hate that I'm going to have to upset our peace when he wakes.  I hate that I have to tell him I have to get out of here, but I can't stay here.  It's time to move on, although I don't know where.

Noah does finally stir, "I can feel you staring at me, creep," he grins and pulls me into his chest.  I bury my head in his neck and breathe him in.  He smells like sweat and sex from last night.  I feel him harden where we are pressed together and I think I'll tell him later.  I won't push it off forever, but I won't waste these precious moments together. 

Noah and I are getting dressed after a shower together.  It's mid day and we haven't eaten and I'm hungry.  "Let's go out for lunch," I tell him and reach up for a kiss.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Rosepepper," I reply, "I want to drink margaritas on a patio with you."

He grins at me and wraps his arms around me, and I sink into him.  Noah presses his lips to the top of my head.

"How do you feel about me inviting the guys?  You haven't really spent any time with them," he asks, he seems unsure, like he's not sure how I will react. 

I wanted to go to lunch to tell him, but this seems important to him.  "I love that idea," I reply, looking up at him.  He grins and bends over to kiss my nose.  I'll tell him later, now isn't the time.

We have to wait for a table, so we grab margaritas at the bar.  It doesn't matter that it's midday, we are still shoulder to shoulder at the bar waiting for a table.

"Man," Nick comments, "you were really mad at Noah for such a long time.  How will the two of you ever recover?"

I jab my elbow into his ribs, "shut up."

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