|Chapter Six|

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"J-Jackson?" stutter, wanting to slam the door in his face.  If I try to shut the door it's going to make him angry, if I don't try to close the door he might hurt me anyway.

"Baby, don't look at me like that.  I know I scared you, but I promise it won't happen again.  I'm so sorry," he looks sincere with his black eye.

"I know you didn't mean it," I lie, "but I need some space."

His temper flashes in his eyes, I can see him warring to keep the beast at bay.  I think he's going to shove his way in here anyway, but after a long moment he finally concedes.

"You are right, take your time Livvy," he says softly, he kisses me softly.  I want to push him off of me but I'm afraid it will just anger him more.  It's taking everything in me to kiss him back and to keep the tears threatening from falling.

I close the door softly behind him and lock the door.  I vow to always look through the peep hole, always, even if I did just order food.  There's another knock as soon as I sit back down on my couch, I check before I open the door this time.

"Weird, didn't know you delivered Thai food," I say to Noah, taking the bag from him.

"Did I see your boyfriend in the parking garage?" Noah asks, handing me my food.  There's an emotion behind his eyes, but I can't place it.  He's watching me pensively for my answer. 

I nod, "I thought he was my food and I opened the door for him."

Noah's eyes roam over my face, searching for in injuries if I had to guess.  "Are you alright, pretty girl?"

The fluttering in my chest chokes me at the endearment and the concern in his voice.  "Yeah, I asked him for space and he apologized.  He said he would give it to me," I tell him.

"You aren't seriously thinking of forgiving him," he's controlled fury and I take a step back from him.  He doesn't scare me, exactly, but his tone makes me nervous.  I don't get the feeling he would hurt me, but I didn't get that from Jackson either.

"Of course not," I scoff at him.  Noah looks relieved, but skeptical. 

"I brought you this, too," he hands me a new phone, in a brand new box.  It's an upgrade from the one I had.  "Everything has already been moved over from the cloud.  I noticed you had deleted my number, so I added it back in."

"You don't take hints, do you?"

"I still have your number and haven't contacted you, Olivia.  It's in there in case you ever need anything," his eyes darken as he says this.  Whether it's with lust or anger I'm not sure.

"I can take care of myself," I tell him, unpacking my food.  It's going to get cold if he doesn't stop talking.

"I know, love, but if you ever get tired of carrying the weight on your own, I'll be around," he turns on his heel and exits my apartment with that statement.

I lock the door behind him, and ignore my libido's yearning to call him back and beg for it.  I wouldn't beg for anything, and I certainly don't need his help.  Even if I had been dreaming of running my fingers through his hair since he had dropped me off.

I eat my Thai on the couch and watch a movie on Netflix, I leave the blinds open just enough to know if the lights are on in Noah's place.  I see them turn on as I'm laying in bed, teetering on the edge between awake and sleep.

I'm just waking up when there's another knock at my door.  I don't think my apartment has seen this much traffic in the year I've been living here.  It's postmates with a delivery of my Starbuck's order.  There's a note on my ticket saying it's from Jackson.  I'm not one to turn down free food so I eat the banana bread and take my coffee to the balcony to read.

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