|Chapter Ten|

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Noah and I slept most of the day, and when I wake, I felt lighter. I had taken Jackson's life and while it would be something I had to deal with a very long time, I didn't have to worry about him ever again. He couldn't hurt me anymore.

"How are you feeling?" Noah asks, propping himself up to look over my shoulder. He wraps one of my curls around his finger absently.

"Like it's time for another Oxy," I wince as I try to move, "I need to call Jolene," the doctor had told me I needed to take a week off.

"I grabbed your phone and some of your things while you were showering earlier, so you wouldn't have to go back until you are ready," he says, kissing my bare shoulder.

"I certainly don't deserve this," I tell him, he has to know exactly how insecure I am now.

"Saying that doesn't make it true, pretty girl," he says stretching and standing up.

Noah disappears and grabs my medicine and my phone. I take the medication and call Jolene. I know I have to explain what happened to her, she already suspected. I wish I could tell her I fought back, but I have to settle with telling her I pressed charges. I pressed charges on a dead man.

"Why are you calling me? You never take off, is someone dead?"

That might be offensive if I had anyone left to care about, but she knows I don't. "I got into a bit of a situation and I broke a rib, I need to take a full week off." It's not a big deal, most bands come with their own photographer, and a few hobbyists show up per show.

"The boyfriend?"

"Yes, the ex-boyfriend. I pressed charges, but the cops are still looking for him," I tell her, wishing this wasn't a conversation I had to have with anyone.

"I'll kill him if I see him," she says, "do you need a place to crash, in case he comes back?"

"Uhm, that's very generous of you, but I have it covered," I countered.

"The band guy?"

"He's my neighbor, we are friends," of course I can't tell her that I don't have to worry about him because I literally killed Jackson.

"Yeah, you just happened to pick up a friend that's incredibly tall and attractive, sure," I can hear her smirk through the phone.

"Anyway, the oxys are kicking in, and I need my rest. Thanks for being so understanding," I rush, about to hang up.

"I'm proud of you, take all the time you need, and go talk to someone," her tone is rarely this serious.

"I don't want to get out of this bed," I tell Noah when he appears in the doorway after he hears me tell Jolene goodbye.

"I don't want you to leave my bed either," he smirks at me and I throw a pillow at him. The effort causes me to wince, "easy, killer."

I look at him bewildered while he winces, "You know that's not how I meant it."

"Can we take those words off the table for now? I'm feeling really jumpy and paranoid and guilty," I admit.

"Whatever you need, Olivia," I can't help but compare the way Noah says my name to the way Jackson always says it. It's soft, reverent when Noah says it. "What's that smile for?"

"I like the way you say my name," I whisper. I am pathetic.

"Get used to it, pretty girl, I'm not going anywhere," he grins, "how does delivery on the balcony sound?"

"Like heaven," I reply, finally getting out of bed. "Pizza, from five points."

"Didn't know I was talking requests, but I'll make it happen."

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