Skrull hero of Earth 38

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3rd POV:

Within the building of CatCo, Cat Grant is seen working at her desk, it's late in the night now a time when she can finally have some peace and quiet without the interference from the hustle and bustle that comes in the day.

"Miss Grant.", a male's voice cuts through the silence alerting the emotionless woman who sprang from her seat and peered through the glass walls of her office.

"Who's there?", she asked calmly.

The voice chuckled, "I am not here to harm you Miss Grant. I am looking for a job actually.", it replied.

"I need to see you first."

"Ah, of course.", what Cat Grant didn't expect was for a man dressed in a blue suit with a white shirt to fade into existence as if a veil was pulled off him, "Sorry about that."

"So, what are you exactly?", Grant stayed cool in this situation.

"Alien. But I like to keep it on the down low. You understand right?", the man answered calmly as he sat in the chair facing her desk.

"I see, and is turning invisible your trait?", she inquired.

"One of them. That's one of the reasons why I have come to you.", the man confirmed. Cat scanned the man in front of her: his short h/c hair, piercing yet warm e/c eyes that held a sense of loss within them and his features it was clear that he suffered, it was odd for someone who appeared to be in his early 20's.

"To fit in more then? And what can you offer?", she questioned further. What was there to gain by helping this man? How would he help her?

He smiled slightly, "Well officially I would be another one of your worker bees, writing reports and the other various monotonous tasks. Unofficially, a protector in a sense. You are a woman that seeks out the truth, some that a few unsavoury people will kill to hide. Wouldn't it be useful to have a pillar to support you? Either to infiltrate the shadows and help to publicise their secrets or to make sure that such people would think twice before targeting someone of your stature.", he suggested.

"I am intrigued but I don't know your name."

"Sorry, my human name is Y/n L/n.", he offered his left hand out for a handshake.

"A pleasure. You're hired. I expect to see you tomorrow morning, don't be late.", she shook his hand before they broke away and Y/n left the office and disappeared.


The scene changes to Kara and Alex Danvers walking towards the formers apartment when Kara bumps into someone but before she is about to fall over the person grabs her hand and pulls her back up.

"Woah, easy there. You ok?", the man that Kara had just bumped into was Y/n another alien hiding his secret but of course she doesn't know that, at least not yet.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. Um, I haven't seen you around here before.", Kara said now taking in Y/n's features before looking back into his eyes.

"Oh, I just moved in recently.", he started as he searched his suit pockets for something, "where is it? Ah, here.", he said as he pulled out a post it note that showed the apartments address along with the door number.

"Oh, you're right next to me.", Kara pointed out until Alex made a fake cough signalling her presence.

The two aliens in disguise turned to the human before Kara spoke up, "Oh, right this is my sister Alex Danvers and I'm Kara Danvers.", Kara introduced as she fiddled with her glasses that rested on her face.

"Y/n L/n. Well it was great meeting you two. I best be off.", and just like that Y/n made his exit and entered his apartment as the two waved goodbye.

"What was that Kara?", Alex asked as the pair continued on into Kara's place and shutting the door behind them.

"What was what?", the kryptonian girl asked innocently.

"That. What just happened. You were staring."  Alex pointed out to her sister.

"Pfft, no I wasn't.", Kara quickly denied only to receive an 'oh really?' look from her sister, "that much. I was just looking at who I bumped into. Which I thought was a wall at first.", she answered honestly.

Alex gave her sister an apprehensive look before landing on the sofa, "I'm serious Alex. Anyway, how was my save tonight?", Kara asked in an excited tone.

"It was risky, I'm glad you saved my life and everyone on that plane but seriously Kara that was very dangerous.", Alex assessed.

Looking slightly defeated Kara crashed onto the sofa, "But I want to save people like Kal, do what he's doing you know?", she tried to reason.

For the rest of the night the two sisters continued their conversation of Kara becoming a superhero before eventually the pair were too exhausted and fell asleep.

A/n: I know I'm cutting this one short but didn't know how to progress it any further.
But this has been on my mind for a while. Y/n is a Super skrull with the powers of the fantastic four specifically.

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