Chapter 7

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 Last edited 25 Jun

And once again, we were on the run. Our eyes scanned for any sign of a QR code as the sound of dangerous crawling and growling was not far behind.

"It's coming," Owen nervously bit his lips. I turned and searched the area behind us.

"We should wait till it's near and—" I started.

"Are you insane?!" Ashley screamed angrily, not letting me finish. My blood boiled with fury. I bit my tongue, trying hard not to snap back at her.

"Hey, hey," Elijah stepped in to help, "calm down." He glared at her. We knew what she did and who sent her, but we had to play along, giving her a taste of her venom.

"You didn't exactly let her finish either," sighing Diana added. "Continue," she murmured, crossing her arms while giving me a tired-of-everything smile.

I smiled back at her and quickly explained the plan: "So, we wait until he is near enough to see us, and then we run in separate directions so it'll get confused. Then, as I remember, the tunnel unites again, so there won't be a problem. Did everyone -" I got interrupted again by Ashley.

"Um, I think it's coming!" she squeaked, eyeing the corridor behind us. I exhaled and told everyone to get in their positions. We all got to our places, positioning ourselves in front of five small tunnels.

Aaron had previously instructed us to memorize every alleyway and path like it was the back of our minds. I did just that, and seeing this situation, it proved to be very helpful after all. Thumping, clattering, and roaring noises could be heard not far behind as I glimpsed at what looked like a tall, slim figure. This time, the monster looked like Slenderman. The scariest part about it was its dark, aggressive, and corrupt eyes. I didn't dare to look any longer as I turned and ran, running for my life.

I heard a bang behind me—the sound of a massive truck hitting a wall. Followed by a roar that echoed through the rooms and hallways. It was obvious that my plan had worked. The monster had been so confused about whom he was going to follow that he crashed into a wall. Small rocks fell from the moth-eaten ceiling, and the small erosion caused my eyes to water from the immense dust.

Not long after, I heard low growling coming from behind me. The ground shook and trembled. I could feel the rage of the now-awakened monster. "Darn it," I cursed under my breath, it's coming again. My pace increased, and my breathing quickened. I could hear my heartbeat, feet, and every single hair standing up on my body. And then reality set in: I was alone now; I didn't have anyone.

The floor was getting damp now, wetter and wetter with every step. And then, suddenly, I was walking in puddles. The water was filthy and icy, and my feet were slipping helplessly. I tried to keep my composure, but I was failing miserably.

But the growls and roars of fury weren't faltering. So I pushed on and ran on. My knuckles were turning white from the tightness of my fist.

And then, as cliché, as it sounds I fell...

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