Chapter Four

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I wasn't seeing Dream as much of a threat anymore. I packed my bags that very night and sneaked out. Surprisingly it wasn't actually that difficult. That's when I realized it; I had no supplies, gear, or place to go. With no other choice I fled to the only person I knew. Technoblade.

His wooden cabin stood tall in the woods far away from Dreams' bunker. There was no way he'd tell on me right? It was too late now. I knocked on the door thrice, our secret code signal. Techno peeked his head out the door, then grabbed me.

"What happened?" Immediately he began to pack a bag, "Where are we going? HEH?"

"I left Dream," I hurriedly explained, "When dawn breaks he'll be on a Manhunt for me. You're my friend right? Don't tell him. Down with his government," I tried to convince the blade. He nodded his head solemnly and handed me a backpack.

"This will last you five days, after that you're on your own. I wish you farewell. Don't die." I smiled warmly and replied, "The Unkillables never die."

I traveled on foot from dawn to dusk over the next three days. The food was already running low, and I was consuming a lot. Rationing was hard when you were running for your life. I passed mountains, fields, and boats. Something told me he was nearby at all times, and I was growing paranoid.

The afternoon of day four I stopped to rest and eat my last potato. Meagerly I nibbled on the cold food when I heard the brush beside me rustle. Instantly on the alert I drew my sword, "DREAM IF THAT'S YOU I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" My hair was standing on end and a shiver went up my spine as the bushes parted.... Tubbo?

"Wha- what?" The boy was battered and bruised, a severe cut on the left side of his face. He was definitely worse off then I was, but what was going on?

"Dream's kill everyone," He cried. I pat his back gently. We had to find something to heal that or it would become infected.

"Is it because I left?"

He coughed, "No. He couldn't care less. It's stupid Schlatt- he made a new nation. Oh everyone's fleeing and getting worse. I got split up from Tommy and Wilbur," He sobbed, "And I think Fundy died. Oh Y/n you have no idea how glad I am to see you right now."

"Who's protecting Jschlatt?" I asked nervously.

"Nobody now, well actually Techno-" Ah my old friend. You could always rely on that fellow. Tubbo continued, "But they won't last for long I'm afraid. Dream and Punz are powerful, Ranboo turned..."

"Ranboo?" It had been four days of crying out loud, what had I missed?!?

"Dream has the revival book again."

"Here take this," I handed him a health potion, "Don't worry, I'm going to fix this. Do you think you can find your way back once you're healed?"

"I'm not going back," Tubbo told me, "I'm staying here or until I find somebody else." It was understandable, but seriously why was he going so ballistic over a new nation? I found a horse and saddle, then raced back towards the spawn. All that walking for nothing- oh well.

The place was unrecognizable when I returned. Withers filled the sky, some places blown to bedrock. Techno and Punz were fighting on a hillside, Schlatt was regrouping and frantically trying to find his sword. Where was Dream?

I noticed the speedrunner now, advancing towards Schlatt. I quickly blocked his path and stood in the way. His usual mask had returned to his face, and silence ensued.

"What do you want?" I asked softly, "Is there anything you actually want, Dream? What do you even have? There are no people. There is no land."

He said nothing. The wind blew long and hard. Punz was suddenly thrown off the hill; it looked like him and his little minion had been defeated. They had nothing to lose... they'd already lost it all.

"Let's go," He ordered, and Staged Duo (Dream and Punz) enderpearl away and far into the distance.

"THE VOICES DEMAND BLOOD!" Techno was clearing on some kind of high after all the fighting. He chuckled, "I can chase them if you want, Y/n. Their heads will be on a platter, oh all the thing I'll do-"

"It's okay." Techno frowned but I repeated, "It's okay." I ran to Schlatt and pulled him into a hug, "I missed you."

The hybrid looked up, "I missed you too."

"If you guys kiss I'm going to throw myself off a cliff," Punz muttered.


"Sorry guys-" He said nervously, "I... I had to join him again. There wasn't a choice for me. I 'd like to explain it but its far too late now."

"We'll discuss it later." I smiled, "And all is forgiven. How about we rebuild spawn now?" I tried to sound enthusiastic. Everyone groaned in complaint. Looks like we had some work to do.


Wooo 843 words! Thank you so much for reading to this point already. I'll be capping this book off at ten or so chapters, as its not quite the quality I want and I'd maybe like to retry it.

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