Chapter Two

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"Kill him." Dream ordered. I was good at PVP, especially with overpowered armor. It broke my heart to see Fundy backed against the corner, about to lose his second life in just one week. He tried to create another new nation though- he tried to defy Dream. I felt like I was being knocked senseless with my desire to be here.

After his blood spattered the ground something horrifying happened. I smiled. My heart sped up and my hands grew clammy, what the hell? I burst into uncontrollable laughter, and my "lord" began to chuckle as well. He put a hand on my shoulder, "Well Y/n. Never knew you were so ruthless."

I was left speechless at my actions. Has this been some awful hidden part of me? My face fell and we continued on our day, patrolling the land and bossing people around. It felt nice to have some power, to feel the warm sun against my skin, to see the dawn and the horizon. It had to be worth it, I had to make it worth it.

The next day I got the day off, and decided to do some good for once. I secretly took two stacks of iron from the treasury; an unnoticeable amount compared to the surplus we had. I snuck it to people, giving them a little. They all swore not to tell Dream, not that he would care much about me gifting iron anyway.

On my way back to the bunker from making amends, I noticed a few people lurking in the shadows of the forest. The first was. Schlatt? It appeared all my worst nightmares were coming true, but maybe it was an allusion and I was going crazy.

"I told you I'd find you." Out behind him was Fundy, Tommy, Wilbur, Tubbo, and Quackity. I'd been tormenting them all the past few weeks, and insane guilt bubbled inside of me. They were all carrying formidable weapons, and alone I was no match. My sword first met with Wilbur, then Tubbo's. I sent a few fireworks into Quackity's direction as a distraction, and one hit Fundy. Schlatt nearly landed a blow on me, but Dream suddenly appeared and blocked the swing.

""Their no match for us," Dream said, kicking the blonde boy to the side. Tommy landed with a grunt. We were still outnumbered and even outgeared by Wilbur and Quackity. Suddenly my breath almost stopped. Technoblade.

"H-how?" I stuttered, but that was beyond the point. Punz suddenly enderpearled from thin air, the battle easily going to us. Punz began to destroy Quackity with death-defying blows. His opponent's shield broke and the final axe strike killed him. Techno took on Fundy and Tubbo at the same time, Dream had Tommy pinned to the ground. Schlatt stared at me, his red eyes glowing with intense hatred.

"You abandoned me Y/n," He twitched, "I told you I'd find a way to kill you. And I'm doing it now."

Picking up my netherite sword from the blood-stained battlefield I wildly swung at him out of fear. He stepped aside and knocked me to the ground with the but of his sword. The breath was knocked from me, but I rolled away and got up, shaking. I flung an ender crystal down and lit it. Shrapnel flew everywhere, but I blocked it with my shield. Pieces cut into Schlatt and he fell to the floor. Since when have I played dirty?

"It was never a fair fight." I whispered, "Allow me to end your suffering." Before he could speak it was lights-out.

"We need a name, a good name." Punz panted, "One that defines us." My instant thought was murders, but I dared not say it aloud.

"Unkillable," Techno suggested. Dream shook his head and grinned, "Unkillables, with an s at the end."

"Yeah sure that's fine," I was still in a daze. I'd killed my own best friend. Or ex-best friend anyway. I mean he still had two lives left. Right?


766 Words! Thank you for reading chapter two, please remember to follow and vote for updates! This is my second chapter in one day, I might as well just finish the dang book today lol. I'm honestly feeling so inspired right now.

{Enlightened} //Jschlatt x Reader//Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora