Chapter 2 | "Cosplayers?"

Start from the beginning

"Despite all the ruckus we made, that didn't wake them up...?" Tanjiro slightly tilted his head in confusion

"Must be dead," Inosuke bluntly said as he crossed his arms.

Zenitsu elbowed him from his side, "Baka. That person is still alive."

With no hesitation, Sanemi shook the figure with no such gentle or whatsoever.

"Shinazugawa-san! Don't be so rough like that!" Tanjiro gasped as panic took over his features.

"I don't give a shit about it. If you want to know where we are, our only option is to ask this person and no one else," Sanemi growled whilst shaking the figure violently.

The figure shifted to their side but didn't get up. Furious, Sanemi smacked what seems like their head, "Hey, wake up!!!"

"Hm? Nobara? Are you back?" a soft feminine voice spoke.

The figure sat up as the blanket smoothly fell, revealing a woman rubbing her eyes. She has (skin tone) skin, long/short straight/wavy (hair color) hair and beautiful innocent (color) eyes. With twitching eyes, Sanemi slightly backed away at her beauty. When she finally adjusted her sight, she was greeted with a view of unknown people.

"She's so beautiful! Please marry me!" Zenitsu knelt down in front of the woman as he tried to hug her but was stopped by Tanjiro.

"Now's not the time for that Zenitsu!" Tanjiro lightly scolded Zenitsu before looking at the girl in front of them. "Excuse me. We're sorry for waking you up, but can you please tell us where we are?"

"Huh?" She unplugged out something from her ears; earplugs. "Pardon?"

Tanjiro comically fell on the floor.

Zenitsu stopped simping over the woman and instead was rolling in the floor while laughing with tears adorning his eyes.

Inosuke looked at the girl's hand that held the earplugs, "Oi, woman! What the hell is that thing you're holding!" Inosuke gawked at the item while pointing at it.

"Oh, this?" She held up the object, "It's a piece of protective gear meant to be inserted in the ear canal to protect the wearer's hearing from loud noises. I used it so I won't be disturbed by noises and to be able to sleep in peace."

"So that's why!" Zenitsu wheezed out between his laughter.

Sanemi growled angrily and stomped his way to the woman, "You, woman!" He accusingly pointed at the woman who looked at him confusingly with her beauteous eyes. "May I ask what you are doing in my room, kind sir?" The girl had finally asked as she titled her head to the side.

"You set us up here, didn't ya? Ya lil' brat!"  Sanemi angrily spouted out, while all of that ruckus was happening. Giyu could be seen awkwardly standing at the corner and staring at the Wind Hashira with a blank look, 'Why is Sanemi talking to a noble like that... How unpolite.'

The girl gaped as her features changed to an offended one, "How rude of you to accuse me of such things! You dare talk to me in such way despite barging into my humble abode?"

"Humble abode my ass! You are clearly an accomplice of that demon we fought earlier!" Sanemi finally went straight to the point with a serious expression in his face that made the young slayers stop messing around.

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