"we can't! ego wants to eradicate the universe as we know it. we have to kill him!" peter steered forward and down.

"so we're saving the galaxy again!?" rocket laughed excitedly. "i guess so."

"we're two-time galaxy savers!?" cassandra laughed. "bitchin!"

"yeah, bitchin! we're really gonna be able to jack up our prices if we're two-time galaxy savers!" rocket laughed. "i seriously can't believe that's where your mind goes."

"it was just a random thought, man. i thought we were friends. of course, i care about the planets, and the buildings and all the animals on the planets." rocket hummed. "and the people." peter added.

"meh." cassandra and rocket spoke simultaneously, and cassandra shrugged as peter glanced back at her."the crabby puppy is so cute, he makes me wanna die!" mantis laughed, eyes crinkling. the ship flew down to under the surface and into the caverns. yondu huffed. "so why does ego wants you here anyway?"

"he needs my genetic connection to the light.. to help destroy the universe. he tried to teach me how to control the power." peter explained, and yondu looked over at him. "did you?"

"i tried. i made a ball."

yondu laughed. "a ball?"

"i thought as hard as i could. it was all that i could come up with." peter shrugged his shoulders. "you 'thought'? you think when i make this arrow fly, i use my head?"

".. i made three flowers." cassandra shrugged.

"woah, you made three?" peter glanced back at her. "yeah, i have them in my pocket, i think." cassandra shrugged. "hey, that's better than a ball." yondu laughed.

"yeah, how the hell did you figure it out so quickly?" peter asked, brows furrowed. "you're gonna make me jealous."

".. i can't make anything else. i can literally only make flowers." cassandra muttered sheepishly. "what!?" rocket laughed loudly. "that's why you wouldn't make a cat?" drax asked her, brows lowered.

"yeah! 'cause i have no idea how to make one!" cassandra shrugged. "but you would have eaten it anyway."

".. no." drax mumbled.

"youre an awful liar!" the ship hit a wall, and cassandra trembled and nearly fell over, grabbing onto drax's shoulder for balance.

"that's ego's core." mantis pointed. gamora turned and looked at rocket. "that core is thick, rocket."

"i got it covered." rocket stated as he readied the bombs to shoot through the core. "we must hurry. it will not take long for ego to find us." mantis muttered.

"we drill into the center, we kill him!"

"cap'n?" kraglin's voice erupted from the radio, and yondu and cassandra looked at the radio. "what is it, kraglin?"

"remember that ayesha chick from earlier?" kraglin asked slowly, reluctantly. "yeah? why?"


yondu, peter, and cassandra looked out the hull, and the sovereign's ships were flying towards yondu's ship, firing at the ship. "oh, hell!" yondu yelled, steering the ship away.

the sovereign ships followed them as they steered away quickly, and one of the sovereign ships shot the ship, sending mantis, gamora, drax, and cassandra off balance and out the ship. they landed on their feet with thuds in a circle, and cassandra slowly balanced herself and straightened her back. the ground trembled beneath them, and cassandra glanced over at mantis. "he's coming!"

the cracks glowed as ego approached, and drax looked over at mantis. "didn't you say you could make him sleep!?"

"when he wants! he's too powerful! i can't!" she whined softly, and she cowarded slightly at the thought. drax's gaze softened slightly. "you don't have to believe in yourself! because i believe in you!"

mantis looked over, tears pooling in her eyes, and she blinked them away quickly. cassandra's breath caught in her throat in fear as ego formed a vague picture of his face in the cracks, and he approached. mantis kneeled down and laid her hand on the light, yelling out "sleep!"

the light slowly died down, and mantis sighed softly. "i never thought she could do it, being as weak and skinny as she appears to be." gamora and cassandra looked over at drax, both of them judging his words slightly. "i don't know how long i can hold it!" mantis strained.

lasers blasted from the ship, and drax and cassandra stepped back as a laser blasted through the ground. mantis whimpered, and drax looked up at the ship and yelled out "hey!"

the ship exploded from the impact, and cassandra looked up at the explosion. "no!" she yelled out, expecting the worse. nebula landed infront of gamora, and yondu and peter slowly fell from the explosion. cassandra quickly wiped the tears from the eyes, and she watched the two of them fall slowly. they said something to eachother.

"i'm marry poppins, yall!" yondu yelled out, and cassandra laughed through her tears.

peter and yondu landed on the ground, and cassandra followed drax to stand by the rest of them. peter looked back at her, and she slowly walked over. she looked up at him, tears slowly falling down her cheeks, and she smiled softly at him and turned to stand next to him. mantis was struck with a rock, and she fell to ground.

"mantis! look out!" extremely delayed.

as mantis fell to the ground, ego slowly woke back up, the cracks and 'tentacles' lighting back up. cassandra and peter looked up as ego awoke. peter quickly walked over to rocket, watching ego's core. "how long until the bomb goes off?"

"in the unlikely event that groot doesn't kill us all, about six minutes!"

the ground starting cracking, and everyone looked up as the rock starting cracking. yondu radioed for kraglin to come down, and peter looked up. "somebody's gotta be up-top when kraglin arrives! drax, takes mantis! cass, go with drax!"

cassandra looked back at her dad, ready to argue, but her dad stopped her. "i'm not letting anything happen to you." peter sighed slowly. "drax, keep cass with you!"

he took off his aero-rig and placed it on drax, and drax grabbed cassandra and huddled her in his arm as he flew into the air, yelling out a pained "my nipples!" and he screamed as he flew towards the surface. cassandra tucked her head into drax's shoulder, and she silently sobbed into his shoulder as he flew towards the surface. he reached the surface, and cassandra jumped out of his arms, and she ran beside him as they ran towards the ship. ego's electric 'tentacles' grabbed onto the ship and cassandra and drax slowed to a stop, watching as the ship struggled against the grasps, and the two of them turned around and quickly started running away.

cassandra fell to her knees, and drax followed suit, as dust kicked over them and the large ship slowed to the stop behind them. the ship fired back up and drove away and drax and cassandra kept running. as ego's powers strengthened as he re-formed, drax and cassandra started sinking into the ground, and cassandra grabbed onto drax's arm and held onto him as they slowly sunk into the ground. drax raised mantis in the air, and cassandra grabbed mantis and tried to push her up.

and suddenly, it all went quiet.


tysm for reading! any interaction/ appreciation is appreciated!! <3

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