Chapter 17: All your gun are belong to us

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Junior: For decades, the Xiongs have had the constant practice of brokering information. Whether that be who the councilman is shagging other than his wife, to intricate details on certain dust convoys. Now, I know that we have seen a.... decline in success, hence why our business practices have been stagnant for the past few years. However, after several weeks of gathering and planning, I have found the perfect day where the police and huntsmen will be busy enough for us to hit the armory. And that day is now.

Standing on top of a podium, right in front of the DJ booth, Junior looks upon a sizable group of goons as he continues his peptalk.

Junior: In a few hours, Beacon Academy will be having students follow Huntsmen on glorified field trips, thus resulting in the police spreading further out for patrols to compensate... However, due to an event on the highway.

He glances a stinkeye in your direction, obviously still butthurt about how you got a kick ass robot. You simply respond with a raised eyebrow through your standard red glasses.

Junior: They're going to be more cautious, which means accomplishing this task will be a bit more difficult.

Another glance your way, you resist the urge to flip your boss the bird.

Junior: Which is why I'll be having Melanie and Miltia take lead on this operation. Any questions you have, take it up with them. Otherwise, prepare to leave at 9 pm. Get to it!

Finished with his little speech, Junior steps down and takes his leave. Shortly after, the Malachite twins step in front of the crowd, giving your fellow goons tasks to prepare for the raid. Shuffling through the crowd, you come across Pen.

(Y/n): So we're finally doing this? I was just about ready to forget the whole thing and move on.

Pen: You heard the boss. This kind of planning takes time. I never even knew Beacon does this kind of extracurricular activity.

(Y/n): Yeah, well, I just hope we manage to swipe some good hardware from the armory. As much as I like going retro with pistols and hatchets, I'm ready to upgrade my lethality a smidge.

Pen: Oh, there's no worry about that! While this armory is stocked with rifles and shotguns in case of serious things like swatting, maybe a small stockpile of shift weapons, they also pack some more heavy-duty arsenals for... more grimm situations.

(Y/n): Ominous.

Miltia: And you two.

The calm deadpan voice of the red dressed twin catches your attention as you soon realize you're up next to get your little tasks.

Miltia: Head to the back and grab some White Fang uniforms.

(Y/n): Why?

Miltia: By any chance that there are witnesses or evidence of the heist, Junior wants it to look like the White Fang did it. So we stole some of their uniforms and painted our trucks to look like theirs, just in case.

(Y/n): Neat. Can I bring my robot?

Miltia:.... No.

(Y/n): Why not? I can carry probably two truck loads with it, and if something goes south, I can just blow it up!

Miltia: First off, you have the Xiong color scheme and name painted on it. Plus, blowing stuff up is the last thing we want to do for this mission.

(Y/n): Well--

Miltia: Also, Junior is livid that you took an already stolen Paladin and drove it right at our doorstep with a lot of dead bodies to follow. So no, you can't take the robot. Now go get ready.

Reject Normalcy. Embrace Violence. (RWBY×bullied depressed reader turned Badass)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora