Chapter 12: Notoriety

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It's high noon in the city of Vale, citizens are going about their day, and two cops drive around the streets in a patrol car. As the duo do their patrolling, they have a little conversation.

Cop1: So I'm like; If I wanted an opinion, I'd have popped a squat and shit one out myself! Then we finished our meal and continued our anniversary.

Cop2: You're a sick man, you know that?

Cop1: At least I get into relationships with girls of legal age.

Cop2: Hey! She told me she was 16!

Cop1: Good Lords--This ain't Mistral, you perv! That doesn't apply to everywhere!

Cop2: Well it should! By the way, turn left up here, I'm hankering for a quarter pounder.

With an annoyed sigh, the cop driving the car makes the turn so his fatass partner can get some food. As they make a stop at a red light, the second cop looks out the window to pass the time. As he just skims across the city scenery, his eyes suddenly snap back to a noticeable motorcycle rider cruising along without a helmet.

Cop2: Hold up. Check this out.

Cop1: What is it?

Cop2:.... An easy ticketing, that's what it is!

Interested, cop 1 looks over and, sure enough, sees some punk riding an expensive looking motorcycle.

Cop1: Well I'll be damned, you're right. Let me just flash the lights, and--.... Wait a minute. Doesn't he look familiar?

Confused, cop 2 squints his eyes and takes a closer look at the rider.

Cop2: Oh shit, you're--Isn't that the kid the chief told everyone look out for?

Cop 1 quickly pulls out his scroll and starts searching through his messages. Ignoring the angry honking from the car behind them, he finds what he was looking for and shows it to his partner. A picture of a teenager trying too hard with a smile and a crude comb over.

Cop2: Yeah that's him... Do we call this in?

Cop1: Let's try to bring him back to the station. We'll call in on the way.

In silent agreement, the two cops put on their professional faces as they drive around and behind the boy.

Meanwhile, you're sitting on Little Bear, chilling like a motherfucker in casual clothes, while you're parked on a side lane with scroll in hand. You flip through your music list as you think about what to get for lunch.

-In Haven I'll Be In Good Company

-It's The End Of Remnant As We Know It

-Black Faunas

-Gods Are Gonna Get Sick Of Me



Knowing that shuffle is too risky given your little pet project, you pick Let The Bad Times Scroll and prepare to put in your earbuds. When suddenly--


Jumping in your bike a little, you turn around to the sudden noise from behind and see the last thing any self respecting gangster wants to see. Pig shaped tax dollars. Two cops soon step out of the car, one looks like he inhales cows just to survive, and the other looks like a D rated pornstar. You just continue to eyeball the two, ready to bail at a moment's notice.

Cop1: You know it ain't safe to ride without a helmet. Are you (y/n) Goodwitch?

(Y/n): Aye?

You haphazardly lean on the dashboard, secretly placing your hand close to the throttle handle just in case.

Reject Normalcy. Embrace Violence. (RWBY×bullied depressed reader turned Badass)Where stories live. Discover now