[Reaction] Modern (Celeb) AU

Start from the beginning

"You look different, Zoro-san." Exclaim Brook after blinking several times seeing his crewmate on the screen.

"EEEHH? THAT'S ZORO?" Usopp and Chopper yelled in shock as they pointing at the screen that still showing our infamous pirate.

"You're still ugly." Compared to others, Sanji quickly insulted the first mate that right beside him.

"HAH?!" Zoro got ticked off and pushed Sanji. Well they began to fight, again.. And again..

It change scene to a man, in their last twenties, walking on a sidewalk with their back shown. He wear a red hoodie with a fire drawn on it. It have a large "A" on the back of it. Guess it's custom made.

The man stopped and look up to a billboard that have an ad there. It then shown that the man in fact is our lovely donut boy, Ace.

He still have those freckles on his face and that expression he has.

"Huh.. He looks even more weird- just by standing beside a pineapple get you a money? Damn what a world." Mumble Ace as he walk by again on the sidewalk, his feet leading him towards a building on his left.

He enter the building and quickly get in one of the first room in there.

"Yo Ace! Finally decide to come, huh?" It shown that there's people in it. Around 4 peoples. The guy that said it to Ace that just came have a brown haired that he styled.

"Shut up, Thatch." Ace grumbled with a smile as they did the bros handshake.

"Yooo look! It's me!" The said person pointing at himself with Proudness.

"Yeah, and me." Said Ace. He loves that hoodie. Wonder where he can get himself one.

"You didn't change much-Yoi.. Except you guys look more older." Tell Marco with his eyes still on the screen.

"Wanna tell us why you didn't came for a week?" Ask Izou from beside Thatch. It then shown that the people that's in the room is Ace, Thatch, Izou, Vista, and well, Marco.

"Haha, he can't walk-yoi." Instead of Ace, Marco's the one answering him.

Izou eyed Ace up and down with a smirk. "Uh-uh, and why's that?"

Ace tched already knowing what his friend's thinking. "I broke my right leg. That's all."

"I don't think you can just say it so casually.." Said Vista with a chuckled.

"Ah! Is it because that skateboard shoot you take?" Ask Thatch after remembering.

"It is. He cried that night, a lot-yoi." Marco glance at Ace with a smirk as Ace grumbled angrily.

"You said you will not tell them!"


Everyone laugh at the interaction they had. But some have a curious faces wondering what exactly the crew of Whitebeard do in that AU.

"Yeah yeah anyway. I'm good now because a certain pineapple twin." Ace rolled his eyes and take a seat on the couch at the middle of the room.

"That's harsh-yoi. I helped you."

"So what's this about again? The company must be great if they can hire all of us." Said Ace, asking them while they also took a sit next to him.

"The shocking news is, it's not just us. They also hire the Strawhat group. And a few other famous groups." Tell Vista.

"Whaatt, that's a shocking news indeed. What are they? A Billionaire or something? And what exactly is this project?"

"Uhh they said they want to make a short films about each group. Like a documentary film."

"Woah! Are we a celebrity or something?" Ask Ace confused.

"By what conversation they have, I think we are. And instead of Pirates, we're some kind of a group celebrity? I don't know." Nami shrug after saying that.

"Indeed. Actually because I didn't have much I'm just going to explain everything. In this universe, we called it one of the alternate of the Modern AU. Here you see, all of you look different from yourselves. The world I've come actually the same as this one. And yes, in this, some of you have a job that's not pirates and marines—well because there's no such thing as that. Well there is a marines, just not for hunting down pirates." Azill stopped his explanation to look at the reaction of them.

"W-wait! so does it mean, the events that happen here, didn't happen there?!"

"well kinda. Some event is similiar to yours, but it's different. anyway, in this AU, some pirates known as a famous group of people. They're famous cuz of their jobs, or their contents on social media. Such is Strawhat Group. Luffy is a model for famous brand and he have been doing it since he's child. Nami, Usopp, Franky is the same, their model. Zoro is a dojo master and an actor. Sanji is the head cook on a 5 stars restaurant. Robin's a model too but she teach journaling aswell. Brook's a musician that's famous for their concert. Chopper's still a student on a medical school. The Whitebeard Group is full of models and actors that's all. Red-Hair group is a motor gang. That's all."

"Woaahhh! Do we still have our powers?" Ask Ace looking with sparkles in his eyes.

"Nope. But you do still have your skills, just without those haki and devil fruit powers." answered Azill one last time.

"How about captain?" suddenly Shachi asked. Penguin and Bepo nodded beside him while Law just sighed.

"He's a doctor, and all of his crewmates either is his co-worker or just friend."

Garp huffed, thinking how's the other universe is looking good unlike this world.

"Ah and the marines, most of it's a police. and the RA is.. well, funny saying, the RA worked exactly like the police, just under the radar. It's called the CIA. an undercover organization. eh and that'll be for today. The next one will be interesting too."

with that, the screen got off and Azill disappear, leaving all the people to talk with each other.

eh any other request?
and honestly idk if I should apologize again for making you wait. Idk how many time I've apologize. but I'm sorry, again :( 

and how abt a reaction of episode 1071 next? waddya think?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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