Episode Four: Where There's a Woe, There's a Way

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Everybody is used to having bad dreams every now and then. Maybe it's the result of watching a scary movie before going to sleep, having an unsettling run-in with a wild animal in the woods, or reading a twisted scene in a fan-written interpretation of a lauded television program. And while bad dreams were usually the perfect way for Wednesday Addams to relax and enjoy a night's rest, Wednesday was unsettled to find that not even she could derive much enjoyment from the bizarre set of images that flashed through her mind the previous night, as she contemplated the series of events the following morning.

Fortunately Wednesday hadn't woken Enid when she snapped back to reality in the middle of the night. After all, having to admit to her roommate that she was shaken by a nightmare was quite possibly a fate worse than the worst torture imaginable; right up there with such torments as being forced to interact with a birthday party clown or working in retail banking.

However, Wednesday couldn't help but shake the feeling that the dream was far more than just a dream... It had been quite a while since she had one of her visions, but her body felt the exact same after having a vision as it did after the nightmare that occurred the previous night. Rapid breathing. Increased heartrate. Tremors. Mild gastrointestinal unease. An admittedly alluring set of symptoms which Wednesday could only hope to be lucky enough to experience on a daily basis. But if it was in fact a vision instead of a dream, was her mild-mannered roommate actually preparing to turn into a homicidal maniac? Or was there more behind the interpretation?

Thing stood on Wednesday's writing desk, madly signing as Wednesday sat on the edge of her bed, thinking. Enid had already left the room to attend some insufferable extracurricular event after spending the morning practicing her guided meditation. So far it appeared as if Eugene's idea to help Enid learn to consciously wolf out was working, as Enid had successfully ruined a perfectly good sock when she was able to sprout a hind paw from her ankle. Wednesday glanced over at Thing and shot him a glare.

"You're really asking me why I didn't tell Enid about the dream?" Wednesday snapped to Thing. "How do you think she'd react to hearing I saw her committing a casual craniotomy on her new boyfriend? She'd have legitimate nightmares for weeks that I would end up having to deal with."

Thing gestured back to Wednesday.

"Of course I think the dream is connected to everything going on." Wednesday replied. "I think it's all connected... Somehow."

Thing provided a few resigned gestures, causing Wednesday to glare at him yet again.

"I absolutely know how to interpret my visions." Wednesday said, irritated. "This one was different though. Every vision I've had up until now has been while I'm awake. And has at least been somewhat logical."

Thing gave Wednesday a disgruntled thumbs down gesture, before more rapid signing.

"They're not excuses, Thing." Wednesday hissed. "They're explanations. And I don't need help interpreting this."

Thing signed back to Wednesday.

"You think I'm in denial? Well, who would you suggest I describe the complete details to? Something tells me the vast majority of the student populous won't exactly appreciate a critical analysis of Enid's trepanation skills, along with a warning to keep her away from the power tools."

Wednesday's eyebrows raised as Thing gestured back an unlikely solution to her problem.

"No. Absolutely not."

Despite her initial revulsion towards Thing's suggestion, Wednesday quickly approached the sobering realization that as much as she didn't want to admit it, Thing was right. She needed help.

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