Episode Two: Woe Good Deed Goes Unpunished

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Many times, doing what is right and doing what is fun, rarely happen to coincide. For example, it might be fun for an aerobatic pilot to steal a celebrity's private jet and do barrel rolls high above the English Channel. But many law enforcement, aeronautical, and transportation authorities would likely agree that the stunt was not the right thing to do. When presented with a four hundred horsepower vehicle, it might be fun to see how quickly you can go from zero to sixty along a stretch of mostly deserted New Mexico highway, but the state trooper who pulls you over for speeding will likely tell you the right action was to putter along at the posted limit. Fortunately for Wednesday Addams, sneaking through the halls of Nevermore late at night, well past curfew, dodging Nevermore's Campus Police, on the way to break into Headmistress Catherine Sira's office and snoop amongst her belongings was not only fun, but also well within her personal definition of right. After all, if she wouldn't figure out what was really happening with the peculiar new Headmistress, nobody would. Unfortunately for Enid Sinclair, the sojourn neither fell within her definitions of fun or right, and she further regretted her choice of coming along by the minute. The halls of Nevermore were admittedly slightly spooky even in the daylight, but at night, they radiated an even more menacing ambiance. Wednesday had to struggle not to enjoy herself too much.

"Are we almost there?" Enid whimpered to Wednesday, following her and Thing as the trio snuck along the darkened halls of Nevermore.

"Shhh." Wednesday curtly replied.

"Oh, come on!" Enid whispered, "You know I talk when I'm nervous."

"Maybe you'd be less nervous," Wednesday snapped, "If your talking didn't greatly increase our odds of getting caught."

Enid scrunched her face up in dismay and let out a half sigh, half whine. Suddenly Thing came to an abrupt stop in front of a door towards the end of the hallway. Headmistress Sira was emblazoned on the door's wooden plaque. This was it. Wednesday pulled a lockpick from a pocket of her jacket and handed it to Thing.

"I hope you haven't gotten rusty with this." Wednesday said, as Thing inserted the lockpick into the keyhole of the door. There was the twang of springs, the sliding of ball bearings, and then... Click. The door slowly swung open from its hinges.

"Come on." Wednesday whispered as herself, Thing, and Enid entered the office and gently closed the door behind them, plunging the room into darkness.

"Can we at least turn the lights on in here?" Enid pleaded.

"And give ourselves away with light shining through the gap at the bottom of the door?" Wednesday snapped. "It's like you've never broken into an office before."

Enid continued to grumble as Thing climbed up on Sira's desk, pointing to the laptop. Wednesday lifted the lid of the device as the screen came to life, the harsh glow of the display nearly blinding everyone in comparison to the ambient darkness of the room.

"Guys, it needs a password!" Enid whined. "You didn't think she would just leave it unlocked, did you?"

Thing hopped onto the keyboard, quickly typing in the password that he had watched Sira enter earlier that night. With a flourish and a tap on the keyboard's enter key, the laptop was unlocked.

"I may have underestimated your preparation, Thing." Enid said sheepishly. "What are we looking for on there anyways?"

"The truth behind what's really going on." Wednesday replied as she began feverishly searching through the laptop.

"Well, that narrows it down..." Enid muttered, rolling her eyes. She approached Wednesday and Thing, watching Wednesday fumble around in an attempt to navigate through the laptop before quickly realizing that Wednesday's technological skills were nowhere near up to par for the task.

Wednesday Season Two: Better The Devil You Woe (A Wednesday Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें