She heard a knock on her window, and jumped, instinctively placing her hand on the spot where the knife was, but realized where was no need. It was Alex, smiling brightly at her—and she felt safe enough to finally open the door and step out.

After hours of working on case studies for her new assignment, preparing her weapons and studying her next victim; she was well overdue for a break. It was scheduled for her to attempt her assignation on the brothers in a few days, at a huge party they had planned.

She spent the whole day, and last night, figuring out how she were to execute her plan. So seeing a smile and warm embrace was making her feel much better about her future plans.

Alex looks the same as before, but his hair was slightly fluffier which made her smile a little. He wore jeans, a white hoodie, and another black jacket over it. It had been cold all morning and afternoon, and tonight wasn't any better.

Bentley got out of the car, greeting him with an awkward hug. "Hey," she giggled, trying to suppress the wide smile she had.

"Hey," he replied, equally smiling. "This must be your pride and joy," he jokes, turning his attention to her dark green car behind her.

She smiled. "Yes, this is my baby. I named her Eloise," she joked.

He began to laugh at her mock seriousness. "Seriously?" He said between breaths of laughter.

She shook her head. "No I was just trying to sound cool but then realized how weird that sounded." He smiled, a wide and genuine smile that made Bentleys heart flutter.

Aerons POV:

He had been in about ten meetings today. Non-stop his father was yammering about the party, how he knew the attack would be placed on that day. He had been working on security measures and gun control in the area.

Aeron was forced to sit through all of them because he was the one who informed his father about the new found information. After seeing Bentley yesterday, he went home—avoiding his father and Alastair—he finally read the file his father gave him earlier that day.

It informed him that he had a hit on his head, by a member of the Ricci Family—the Ombra Families biggest threat. They were lucky to get a name of the man most likely to do it, Devyn Russo; a twenty something year old man with a body count of over thirty.

Devyn was used as their assassin. Each man had their job in the mafia, some did the managing and negotiation, other did the drug deals, others were body guards. But Devyn was the scariest of them all, he was a ruthless assassin, similar to Aeron—but Devyn was more feared than the teenage boy.

Aeron was thankful to leave the house after all the stress everyone has been putting on him. As one of the best sharp shooters in the family, he was expected to be ready for any attack and was the families only shoulder in the threatening situation.

"How about we go inside?" He finally spoke after a slight amount of uncomfortable silence.

Bentley nodded. "Sounds like a plan," she smiled at, and he felt like he was about to become a puddle—melting at the expression. She was insanely gorgeous, he thought. The type of gorgeous that wasn't super model pretty. It was like you could stare at every feature of her and not find a flaw. And if he found one, I'd blame his eyes and not her.

When they went inside, he told her to get whatever she wanted. She grabbed nachos and a blue slurpee, a larger size for them to share: she offered. He smiled at the idea of sharing the drink with her. "We can have a cheesy romcom moment, but a slurpee instead of a milkshake," she said, smiling the whole time.

Aeron couldn't stop smiling when she did the same action. "Like Greace?" He questioned. She shrugged.

"Havent seen Greace since I was like seven, all I remember is being in love with John Travolta. So maybe," her response had them both laughing while the clerk stared at them.

Aeron grabbed a hot dog, the same one from yesterday since he really enjoyed them. Once he paid for the meal, secretly grabbing a cupcake for them to share as well, they sat on the trunk of his BMW.

"I love the night," she projected, staring up at the stars, leaning over to steal a sip of the slurpee. Aeron returned the action, looking at the same sky above them.

He closed his eyes for a long blink, waking them to the same image of the bright moon above them. This was rare, a moment to enjoy the night sky—the scatter of stars and small twinkles in the sky was breathless. His father would probably tell him he is a little girl for liking the simplistic things like the sky. He'd probably call him an array of names and insults.

But instead, Aeron forgot about his father for the moment because he was sitting with the most beautiful girl that took his breath away. She was probably more breathtaking than the sky above them.

"Isn't it crazy that at one point we probably have looked up at the same sky and dreamed of something at the same time?" He laughed a little, breathing in the night air.

"And what have you dreamed of?" She asked. They have passed the getting to know each other conversation at the start of the night. He already knew her favorite color was sage and that she grew up in Nebraska but moved here when she was ten.

He knew the basic stuff about her, but now it was time to get deep—or so that was what he was getting from that question.

He didn't know how to answer. Was it safe to say the truth? That he dreamed of a better family, one where he wasn't trying to keep Alastair out of a different bottle of whiskey every night. One where his father loved him everyday, and not just the days he pleases him.

Was it safe to say he dreamed of having his own mafia. Where he could keep his skill of shooting, and negotiating drug deals better than any grown man. That he wanted to escape his fathers brutality. That he wanted to raise a family and be different than the man that did no job raising him.

But instead, he said this; "I wish to go to college one day, probably be a lawyer or some big shot. Keep working on cars and fixing them, but be rich enough to afford whatever rare car I want. I wish that I could give my little brother a better life—since I've already given up on the older one." He laughed awkwardly, feeling it help the nerves.

She nodded slowly, silence for a few minutes before responding. "Why have you given up on him?" She aka sincerely, and this was the first time someone has actually talked to him like this. Her coffee eyes were glued to him, a small smile reassuring him.

"He doesn't want to be involved at all with me, so I refuse to keep trying," Aeron smiled a little at the confession, feeling it was long overdue.

Suddenly, her hand went over his. The cold softness of her fingers against his hand send a shiver down his spine, and a smile on his lips. It felt like his lips were going to be stuck in that position if she kept giving him reasons to smile. It was like she knew he was lying about the lawyer part, she could see could see right through him, but didn't say anything.

"What about you?" Aeron cooed.

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