Chapter 4

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On the way back to base. The boys were properly introduced to the Royal Navy ships. The first to question the presence of Yamato was HMS Hood.

Hood: So, why are we letting the Sakuran stay with us? Points to Yamato

Yamato: Excuse me?

A small British girl with a crown speaks up.

Queen Elizabeth: Hood, please, let's not get ahead of ourselves. My apologies, Yamato. She's just a little protective.

Yamato: It's alright, I'm used to this, actually.

Q.E.: Right, well, it's good to have a strong battleship on our side, Sakuran or not.

Yamato: bows. Thank you for your kindness, Queen Elizabeth.

Q.E.: Think nothing of it.

*A few minutes later at the base*

Yamato is walking down the empty main pathway when he hears two voices behind him.

???: Should we take him.

???: Miss Akagi said to nab the strongest battleship we could find, so I say we should.

Yamato: *thoughts* Akagi, that must be the flagship of the Skaura Empire forces here.

???: Excuse me.

Yamato: turns to the two figures Can I help you two with anything?

???: Yes, you're coming with us.

Yamato: Sorry you two but I have urgent matters to attend to.

???Sorry, but you are not leaving here until you come with us.

Yamato: Doing things the hard way, huh? Ok, draws katana and prepares, Let's go.

The two draw their own katanas and drop their cloaks, revealing themselves to being IJN Atago and Takao.

Yamato: *thoughts* Heavy Cruisers, this will be easy.

The two cruisers open the fight as they simultaneously strike at Yamato. Yamato blocks Takao's attack and,  didn't want to spend too much time fighting two ships, so he knocked out Takao by striking the back of her head with the bottom of his Katana handle.

Atago: Sister! *grr* You'll pay for that.

But before she could do anything Yamato is already behind her and knife-hand chops her to the back of the neck, knocking her out as well. 

Yamato: I expected more of a challenge from you two.

Yamato picks up the two girls and starts to bring them to the brig. Along the way he passes by Texas talking to Hood, Nevada, and Illustrious.

Yamato: Hey guys!

Texas, Nevada, and Illustrious: Hey Yamato!

Texas: Hey who are those two you got in your hands.

Yamato: Oh, just two sakura empire cruisers who messed around and found out who they were up against.

Nevada: Really?

Yamato: Yep! I'm bringing them to the brig right now, then plan on interrogating them in an hour.

All: Ok!

Note: Sorry this chapter is short.

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